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Subject: What do you call...

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Original Message                 Date: 23-Mar-03  @  07:16 AM   -   What do you call...



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....A US black muslim soldier who throws a grenade at his fellow soldiers? (confused is one obvious answer)

I'm becoming so attracted to knowing this "religion of peace".

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Message 21/25             26-Mar-03  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 3872

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The whole thing is a tragedy and the losers are the citizens on both sides. Wait til we get the bill. NYC still hasn't recieved the money Bush promised for recovery from 9/11 and now he's "promising" NYC money for added homeland security costs...increased dramatically because of this war.

Having said that, I had to acknowledge the humor in the incident 2 days ago where 20 (I think it was 20) Apache helicopters heading on a mission ran into what the helicopter crews described as a "hornet's nest" of anti-aircraft fire. They were suddenly trying to get out of there with their lives and trapped in a totally defensive mode. One of the helicopters was almost downed when a rocket grenade took out one of it's engines. The pilot regained control and managed to make it back to base on 1 engine. Now here's the thing.

Unfortunately 1 Apache was taken down and the crew of I believe 2 are now POWs. The humor in the midst of this is that the Apache was reportedly taken down by an old farmer with a rifle. We have these ultra high-tech warmachines that look and act like something out of the beginning of The Terminator, which cost $18 million, and some old farmer picks up his rifle and shoots one out of the sky. Don't get me wrong. It's not funny that those guys are now POWs. But there's somehow a human side to the old coot.

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Message 22/25             26-Mar-03  @  04:54 PM   -   RE: What do you call...



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Did the farmer say "those copters be worrying my sheep, get orf moi laaand" ?

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Message 23/25             26-Mar-03  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: What do you call...


Posts: 3872

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LOL! Probably did but in Iraqi dialect. A deep south US accent no doubt but Iraqi dialect none the less.

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Message 24/25             27-Mar-03  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: What do you call...



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you mean "allah ! these cursed infidel capitalist lap dogs of the west are aggrivating my camels... get orf moi laaand"

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Message 25/25             27-Mar-03  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: What do you call...



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Having said that, I had to acknowledge the humor in the incident 2 days ago where 20 (I think it was 20) Apache helicopters heading on a mission ran into what the helicopter crews described as a "hornet's nest" of anti-aircraft fire. They were suddenly trying to get out of there with their lives and trapped in a totally defensive mode. One of the helicopters was almost downed when a rocket grenade took out one of it's engines. The pilot regained control and managed to make it back to base on 1 engine. Now here's the thing.

oh thats nice

Unfortunately 1 Apache was taken down and the crew of I believe 2 are now POWs. The humor in the midst of this is that the Apache was reportedly taken down by an old farmer with a rifle. We have these ultra high-tech warmachines that look and act like something out of the beginning of The Terminator, which cost $18 million, and some old farmer picks up his rifle and shoots one out of the sky. Don't get me wrong. It's not funny that those guys are now POWs. But there's somehow a human side to the old coot.

riiiiight well thats more nice

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