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Subject: Egypt Jails Gay Men

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Mar-03  @  08:34 PM   -   Egypt Jails Gay Men

Martin S.


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The world really has to look at human rights in Islamic countries. They are so backwards in their thinking.

Ironic as it were, many of the middle-eastern men are gay, but of course, only in private.

Who's business is it wheather I love another man or not?

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Message 21/25             18-Mar-03  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


Posts: 1502

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yup, they ain't paying up..

Afghanistan will fall to bits again.. no-ones really interested.. they all growing opium again to make ends meet.. warlords ruling outside kabul, same ole same ole shit

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Message 22/25             18-Mar-03  @  06:40 PM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men



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In America, unless you live in a few select cities, It is culturaly criminal to be gay! Homosexuals are beaten, killed, raped etc all over the US. Young queers have to move away from their hometowns and disconnect from their families in order to live the lifestyle they were BORN to. Why? Because christian ideals are so deeply rooted in American culture that Americans who see themselves as not being religious still carry the attitudes of that religion!

If you think we do not live in a christian society, try practicing a religion that is not Judeo/christian in Amerca! You're "allowed" to but the attitudes of the people define the culture, and trust me, most non-christian religions must practice in relative secrecy!


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Message 23/25             18-Mar-03  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men

Martin S.


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Your post has nothing to do with topic. Gay men are JAILED in egypt, not in America.

Queers are beaten all over the world less you've forgotten.

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Message 24/25             18-Mar-03  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men


Posts: 90

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Yeah but Egypts judiciary system is better.

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Message 25/25             18-Mar-03  @  10:01 PM   -   RE: Egypt Jails Gay Men



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I suppose I've tired of your not so subtle Muslim bashing Martin, and chose to answer your Bullsh+t rather than the issue I think you care very little for.

You see, it;s my take that you started this post to bash on Muslims and their "backward" thinking (They are so backwards in their thinking) rather than to have a discussion about how bad it is to beat up on gay people...

sorry if I mistrust your motives. But your approach has the veneer of gentleness with the teeth of violence.


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