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Subject: "Mr Cook, your career is dead"

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Original Message                 Date: 18-Mar-03  @  12:35 AM   -   Cook



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That's what happens when you get too emotional and let your convictions rule logic.

Back to managing Sainsbury's friut section.

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Message 21/26             16-Apr-03  @  08:55 AM   -   RE:


Posts: 673

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so MCC if I shout "Clay" down the town centre (of a Saturday afternoon) would you look round, or perhaps I should say... Dwight! - HA AH! hehe

Naw - Basttian could have been sarcastic - I know you freedom lovers have a blind spot where sarcasm is involved

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Message 22/26             16-Apr-03  @  09:04 AM     Edit: 16-Apr-03  |  09:14 AM   -   RE:


Posts: 1309

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Hmmm. It seems this 'tree hugger called clay' has been smoking a bit too much party grass. As for the meaning of the name Bastiaan, you *might* want to drag your labour shunning arse towards a library and pick up a Greek dictionary (the classical variety) and look the word ‘sebastos’ up (‘augustus’ in NT Latin).

Apart from that educated people tend to frown at those who, not hindered by any knowledge of etymology whatsoever, make ridiculous assumptions about people's intellect based solely on the sound of their name.

One last word of advice: before you start your rants again about my supposed IQ you might want to consider getting a haircut, a shower, look for a proper job and become a productive member of society.

Jesus, our lord and saviour, doesn’t think fondly of sandal wearing, longhaired, bearded hippies preaching love and peace!

If you’re still convinced that atheist socialism is such a great system, why don’t you get your arse to North Korea and starve to death?

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Message 23/26             16-Apr-03  @  02:23 PM   -   RE:

Robin Cook


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I remember selling arms to some country i'm not sure i can spell called Idonnesia during some genocide goings on, but these days i'm Mr. Nice Guy

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Message 24/26             16-Apr-03  @  03:30 PM   -   RE:

man called clay


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i was hoping for that etymology lesson but surely not having to go to the library to check the greek/latin root myself. i have 2 dictionaries which total nearly 4000 pages and i do see much about old orders of religious rank and some emperor. anyway....the requirements of my job suggest i not become too swayed by such lucrative invitations.
i haven't owned a pair of sandles in nearly ten years. cut my hair much further and i'm bald.
however, i do confess to enjoying reading the guardian. obviously your savior isn't mine.
but that's okay too. without your religion, there'd be no need for war and then what would we do? i guess we'd just have to fall back upon the old greed equation. you know....whatever works.

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Message 25/26             16-Apr-03  @  08:07 PM   -   RE:


Posts: 673

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7 minutes left in BK...

must say rollicking front page list of war big questions in the Indepenent today ,.... and rathr suggests there is a window (in the calm , storm) for reportage

rollicking as a front page - god i miss teeth of any sort in the media

on with the drinking...

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Message 26/26             16-Apr-03  @  08:40 PM   -   RE:


Posts: 1309

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"without your religion, there'd be no need for war and then what would we do?"

My religiosity is about as well developed as your sense of sarcasm. Let's leave it at that, shan't we?

p.s. sebastos means something like 'venerable' or 'honoured' or 'high-one'.

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