aaa psylichon, you whore! - The lounge forums
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Subject: psylichon, you whore!

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Original Message                 Date: 10-Jun-03  @  05:07 AM   -   psylichon, you whore!


Posts: 4573

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was getting rather jealous. needed my name in a thread title, too... sorry...

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Message 21/29             11-Jun-03  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!



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Psy, you still whoring? Thought you'd stop by now!

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Message 22/29             11-Jun-03  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!

Psy's mom


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You better not be working my street


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Message 23/29             11-Jun-03  @  04:58 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!


Posts: 4573

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My mom and I have it all worked out. You wouldn't believe what people will pay for family jobs!

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Message 24/29             11-Jun-03  @  06:10 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!



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HAHAHAAHAH ok... now thats just odd.

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Message 25/29             13-Jun-03  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!


Posts: 712

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yeah, i heard it's good chedd. but i'm not venturing this time. going off to lesoto today. lusutu? lesuto? damn my african spelling.

psy's still a whore though. no reason, he just is. scat-boy-poop-man, that he is.

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Message 26/29             13-Jun-03  @  12:21 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!


Posts: 712

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oh and it's between bruna and abby, not cherese. ^ link.

hey, look, there's not much you can do but watch tv when you gotta look after a 3 month old niece. that, and read the idiot's guide to visual basic 6. why, i ask myself, why?

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Message 27/29             13-Jun-03  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!


Posts: 5701

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damn. you sure do spend a lot of time online for someone who's supposed to be on holliday!

hope you're having fun at least  

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Message 28/29             13-Jun-03  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!


Posts: 4573

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I'm honoured (spelled just for you) you chose my whorehouse to post your travels in. Thanks for bringing up poop... can we take it there, now??

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Message 29/29             17-Jun-03  @  09:33 AM   -   RE: psylichon, you whore!


Posts: 712

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poop eh? my mum's changing a nappy just this minute.

lesotho was beautiful to look at, lurvely views, the people haven't got a pot to piss in though. but they do grow lots of weed, wear thick blankets on top of their normal clothes even in the boiling hot sun, ride around on horses and live in mud huts, (although the mud huts look a damn sight nicer than the corrugated iron sheds that a lot squat in in south africa.)

of course, coca-cola is everywhere.

then again, so is the shell oil company, the catholic church and that AIDS. are they, somehow ,related?

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