aaa I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!! - The lounge forums
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Original Message                 Date: 17-Oct-02  @  09:10 AM   -   I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 76

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bought a sampler because you said so, bought a sequencer because you said so, gonna buy a pc because...

now how do i keep from totally turning into a studio rat? i took a week off from work and i havent done anything but tweak and rtfm and find loop points and recable and AAARGGHH!!! I HAVENT EVEN GONE TO THE BEACH OR ANYTHING!!! (tropics=beach weather all year round) i went to ONE party, went to the mall once...shit..i used to have a life, i used to be an ordinary my back is shot, im out of shape physically, im broke, i stay up all nite and sleep till noon and f*ck if i have the killer tunes to show for it...worse its back to work on monday...

"i tried so haard...and umm um uh..." you know, the linkin park song

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Message 21/29             18-Oct-02  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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a van der graaf generator is what your looking for. I scored two vintage "Stoned Again'" velvet posters, mint, for a buck each. one over each monitor, it'll be lovely.

ahh, 'shrooms season .....

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Message 22/29             18-Oct-02  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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I wouldn't recommend taping posters over your monitors. Might affect high frequency response.

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Message 23/29             18-Oct-02  @  08:22 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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he he taping... i'm getting them FRAMED !

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Message 24/29             19-Oct-02  @  04:43 AM     Edit: 19-Oct-02  |  05:06 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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stoned again: that's r. crumb aint it

here's a little crumb for yez

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Message 25/29             19-Oct-02  @  06:28 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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wow you are stoned. I challenge you to relate that post to this thread tomorrow!


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Message 26/29             19-Oct-02  @  06:38 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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moonunit sez he scored two vintage "stoned again" posters, which shows a guys head progressively melting between his hands. It was drawn by 60s SF underground cartoonist R. Crumb, as is the above picture. and "big ass" in the other thread. that's all.  

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Message 27/29             19-Oct-02  @  06:40 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


Posts: 4573

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ok, you're forgiven :}

Did he do "keep on truckin'"? I saw the movie bout him but don't remember a reference.


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Message 28/29             19-Oct-02  @  06:45 AM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!


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yup, that's him too.

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Message 29/29             19-Oct-02  @  03:23 PM   -   RE: I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!



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lol @ psylichon

well d, vintage i don't know really, but it reads 1975 Monarch publication and a phone number.

i'm still looking for that elusive pop garage sell where i get to say:

"how much for the shinny funny looking plastic box?"

twelve hundred bucks

and then you wake up in a sweat, screaming...

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