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Subject: Scray shit...

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Aug-05  @  09:56 AM     Edit: 12-Aug-05  |  09:57 AM   -   Where god meets dinosaurs


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Message 21/55             16-Aug-05  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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yeah... did that once to some punk kid, only to have his whole gang jump out of the shadows at me. shoulda seen that one coming tho. young and unwise, i was....  

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Message 22/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:06 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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your mom for my two kids...fair's fair but i would've rathered it be my mother for yours.
i was about ready to share some classic fond stories about my dear old mum too......but alas i love the dear....and since we're too mad to participate once again......oh well.
anyway...our mothers!.....freud was really onto something there but i think john lennon said it best.

as for my son he worked a solid day with me again without a word of complaint and he kicked he has a regular job of his own.

my daughter don't do drugs. she's head of the graphics department at her company....she seems to be well-liked...her boyfriend is extremely talented...
she understands the difference between exploring buddhism and being a cultist
to her credit....she is able to anger without exploding on a regular basis.

but you're probably do need to drink less.

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Message 23/55             17-Aug-05  @  09:41 AM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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anyways, back to the subject. I spose it is a little irritable that they teach Darwinism as FACT in schools, it kinda irks me that much theory is propogated in schools as if it is undeniable scientific fact, perhaps loopy christians would be more calm if they called it 'a theory'

but hey, you'd then be teaching kids to think, & we cant have that can we  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 24/55             17-Aug-05  @  02:26 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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yeah mums are off limits which is a bit of a bitch- especially when your flat mates mum is so overtly racist i can't even listen to her at times- problem is she comes round every week....would love to tell the guy- never will....


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Message 25/55             17-Aug-05  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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But it's "JUST a THEORY"
Version 1.0
Copyright 1999 by Ken Harding
[last update August 24, 1999]

This is such a common complaint about evolution that it deserves a page of it's own. This comment is born out of misuse of the word theory. People who make statements like: "But it's only a theory; it's not a scientific law," or "It's a theory, not a fact," don't really know the meanings of the words their using.

Theory does not mean guess, or hunch, or hypothesis. A theory does not change into a scientific law with the accumulation of new or better evidence. A theory will always be a theory, a law will always be a law. A theory will never become a law, and a law never was a theory.

The following definitions, based on information from the National Academy of Sciences, should help anyone understand why evolution is not "just a theory."

A scientific law is a description of an observed phenomenon. Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion are a good example. Those laws describe the motions of planets. But they do not explain why they are that way. If all scientists ever did was to formulate scientific laws, then the universe would be very well-described, but still unexplained and very mysterious.

A theory is a scientific explanation of an observed phenomenon. Unlike laws, theories actually explain why things are the way they are. Theories are what science is for. If, then, a theory is a scientific explanation of a natural phenomena, ask yourself this: "What part of that definition excludes a theory from being a fact?" The answer is nothing! There is no reason a theory cannot be an actual fact as well.

For example, there is the phenomenon of gravity, which you can feel. It is a fact that you can feel it, and that bodies caught in a gravitational field will fall towards the center. Then there is the theory of gravity, which explains the phenomenon of gravity, based on observation, physical evidence and experiment. Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity replaced the less accurate gravity theory of Sir Isaac Newton, which was the first complete mathematical theory formulated which described a fundamental force. ...


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Message 26/55             17-Aug-05  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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what's interesting is how evolution involves that little phenomenon which has the greatest capacity to wipe human existence off the face of the earth> the virus.
now this desire to survive is so strong within them that scientists can actually leave them in a dish
only to return and find that they've actually changed their appearance and personality.
they actually become something other than what they were a short time ago.
it's as if it were man's destiny to become this thing...this powerful intelligent wise and knowing thing with all his skyscrapers and elctronically guided nuclear missiles so we can step backWARDS and chant:

6 days
6 days
6 days

6 days
6 days
6 days

6 days
6 days
6 days

what we won't finsih the virus just might.
is it god?

back 2 one.....


evolution is.


always will be.

......until we evolve ourselves right out of existence.
a perfect circle back into the void from which we came...still not knowing a thing.
but drinking and shouting nevertheless.

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Message 27/55             17-Aug-05  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...



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having a slow start this morning so i'll sit here and continue instead of rushing off to this marathon job i'm on>

it's odd what a parallel can be drawn between the discussion of our mothers and the discussion of
having evolved from apes.
and to what extent we are so resistant to squarely look at that from which we arose and give it objective definition.....simply because the meaning we give her is so strong and represents nearly everything we are on this earth.

just as there are those who cringe at the fact that we evolved from apes.....and long before that from some primordial tell a guy his mother is a fat unthinking slouch who does nothing but eat chips all day and glare at the tv dreaming of elvis's tantamount to getting murdered.
no matter how true it can't say it because it is a reminder as to the
very nature of who we actually are.
the fact that your friend has now become a fat unthinking slouch who eats chips all night and watches tv and dreams of being rambo has no connection whatsoever.
it's just that you're an asshole for bringing it up (even if you didn't).

same with the refined white dude with the hoity toity perfect society mom and now her very own perfect hoity toity prick of a son.
same same.
like mother like son.
the saying used to be "like father like son" but it hink we have to look at our moms....seriously.

and though i love my mom to's a short one:

not long after she first learned to drive after my father died.....we're at a very quiet intersection with no signs.
a car is coming from 1+1/2 blocks away......a very great distance. i see it coming and know how fearful my mum is about driving and assume she's going to wait a ridiculous 5 years to let this vehicle i say NOTHING.
i have to go to school and don't want to be late and don't want to upset her as she is easily i remain quiet thinking the day will come when the car will pass and we will cross the road.
well.....the car is finally about to pass when hard-step the gas me mum does and right smack into the vehicle.
of course.....young mcc> is like FUCK MOM WHAT THE FUCKIN HELL YA THINKIN~?~??~?~
didn't ya see the damned car. what are ya retarded? blind?
and she's like OH!!!!! i DON'T knOW!!!! i don't know!!!....quit yelling at me.

anyway.....mother....she raised us and therefor she is god and if we doubt that we will
she is not some little loving kindly confused once-sexy well-meaning monkey like evry other mom
in the world.....she IS god.
it took her 9 short months to create's a mystery how so we'll just leave it at that.
but keep your flame retardant suits handy because i seriously doubt any of you think she is god.
we should know better.

6 days.

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Message 28/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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even Hitler had a mom

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Message 29/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:39 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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I think religion is a dangerous state of delusion,so dangerous in fact that it I think it would be healthier for the human species if we could eradicate it from our minds with education.I used to think that it was ok for people to believe what they want but when people are willing to kill themselves and others due to religious beliefs then I think the time has come to remove religion from the decision making process.Questioning our beliefs leads us to discovering flaws in our thinking religion requires unquestioning belief.

Religion has had an overwhelmingly negative effect on human societies for many centuries it uses up time better spent in more useful activities,it is used to justify the most horrific acts.If people could simply realise that life is a one way trip with no 72 virgins at the end,or fluffy cloud land with angels and harps or whatever the tempting scenario offered by the druids may be,maybe they would try to improve things in the here and now where it really matters.

If I bought a big synth from some guy and said to him

"I'll pay you a thousand times your asking price for your synth but only when you are dead."

What do you reckon his reply would be?

Religions(particularly monotheistic ones) promise a similar thing to my mind

"restrict your life to these archaic occult rules and for doing this you will receive your hearts desire once you are dead."

All believers in gods rely on faith not observable,demonstrable facts,faith is simply believing that something is so with no evidence whatsoever to support it.Science may not be able to prove everything yet and may never be able to,but it has proven and continues to prove many things to the satisfaction of our reason.Anecdotal evidence is too flimsy a robe to cover the contradictions of religion.
Epicurus said

"If god is willing but not able then he is not omnipotent."

"If god is able but not willing then he is malevolent"

"If he is able and willing ,whence cometh evil?"

"If he is neither willing nor able then why call him god"

his question still stands the god followers have never answered it.

"Those jesus freaks they're friendly but

the stuff they believe has got their minds all shut"

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Message 30/55             17-Aug-05  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: Scray shit...


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Sidenote on viruses: the most succesful ones do not destroy the host organism. The death of the host will eventually lead to the death of the parasite. The more the host lives, the better the chances for the virus to reproduce, spread and - mutate (and therefore: evolve, because the unworthy versions are terminated by natural selection).

It is not unlikely that one day we will be able to control this process and eg. turn lethal viruses into harmless ones (or vice versa).

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