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Subject: free running

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Jan-05  @  09:19 AM   -   free running


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did anyone see that "Jump Britain" programme last night? Saw the Jump London prog last year aswell. S'a young sport but looks wicked when done properly.

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Message 21/39             10-Jan-05  @  09:59 AM   -   RE: free running


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What's not cool about it? Its urban gymnastics without the safety of crash mats. The idea is all about flow - you have to get around/over/under "street" obstacles in the most fluid motion possible. That's pure sport!

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Message 22/39             10-Jan-05  @  01:04 PM   -   RE: free running


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heh... well they could make shagging a 'sport' too  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 23/39             10-Jan-05  @  01:15 PM   -   RE: free running


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were's the danger in shaggin?

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Message 24/39             10-Jan-05  @  02:50 PM   -   RE: free running


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"teens sleep with AIDS freak to prove they're tuff" show?

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Message 25/39             10-Jan-05  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: free running


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Well my grandfather used to religiously watch the male figure skating not because he admired their fitness or skill.No he watched it for one reason and one reason alone,to watch them fall after a quintuple duple axle somersault half pike.The more spectacular the fall the more pleasure he got from it.

I must be a chip off the old block because I have this voice in my head goin'"Trip ya stupid eejit you deserve to for being such a knob,go on land on your arse from 40 feet up and give us a good laugh then you can really be at one with the urban environment."

We had more bottle as 5 year olds than those lampost swinging "sportsmen" who have yet to discover the furry friend of William.

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Message 26/39             11-Jan-05  @  01:04 AM   -   RE: free running

Humble Granny

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They're making a fucking computer game from this, It'll almost certainly be published by Ea and probably be a big hit through ruthless marketing, I love it myself, the other day I free-ran all the way to the kebab shop.

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Message 27/39             11-Jan-05  @  01:04 AM     Edit: 11-Jan-05  |  01:10 AM   -   RE: free running

Humble Granny

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I typed the message twice, that's why I'm writing this (almost) meaningless sentence.

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Message 28/39             11-Jan-05  @  05:53 AM   -   RE: free running


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"the other day I free-ran all the way to the kebab shop."

and i bet you free-ran even faster on the way home to make it to the shitter before public display of excrement. Perhaps forgoing a combo opportunity or two.

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Message 29/39             11-Jan-05  @  08:52 AM   -   RE: free running


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and then I saw Salma Kayek selling perfum
then I saw Salma Hayek selling perfume and her next film

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Message 30/39             12-Jan-05  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: free running


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"What's not cool about it? Its urban gymnastics without the safety of crash mats. The idea is all about flow - you have to get around/over/under "street" obstacles in the most fluid motion possible. That's pure sport"

dunno bout sport, but its definitely impressive. cool? who gives a fuck. its putting a name on it and making a cheesy documentary about it thats fcking lame. and having a safety team? gimme a BREAK

street skaters are just as gnarly (ok, MAYBE rollerbladers too) and they dont have SAFETY TEAMS and shit!

nor did they used to have idiot corporate sponsors making them do stupid shit like going inside the theater and pulling some stupid "acting" skit? THATS whats lame about it. The action itself is impressive.

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