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Subject: The Arrogance of Originality???

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  11:02 PM   -   The Arrogance of Originality???


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"I think that this is an unavoidable situation given the reliance on digital audio tools for creating electronic music but it is no different than musicians being able to hear a Yamaha DX-7, Korg M-1 or an Arp 2600 on a recording except now they can hear plug-ins. Being aware of the tools used in a work of art is nothing new. I used to hang out with fine arts and film students who could trainspot a particular type of brush, medium or camera lens used in a work. The pressure to create sounds that have never been heard before and/or whose origins are undetectable reeks of a modernist notion of "originality". Originality is no longer a relevant aesthetic problem...we abandoned that idea a long time ago. I like the fact that tools have become part of the can create very complex surfaces upon which to work."

Kim Cascone
-- founder of Silent Records and all around brilliant electronic music dude.

Whadya think?

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Message 21/71             03-Oct-04  @  02:49 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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infux..didyoumcc>> (whoeer the fuck that is) when i meant dances as a 'forum for change,' i meant as much as going to the circle-k or out in the yard :p you know, "cosmica minor"

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Message 22/71             03-Oct-04  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???



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i've seen this happen before (the confusing of a post and who it's author was)
it's a first for me....and a good humbling experience....probably overdue.
sorry e~.

x....our dance as a forum of change.
what happens after the change?
are people okay to just dance for dance's sake after that?
to celebrate that which is life?
some simple appreciation for a big drum and some old man shouting ancient chants?

i remember a place where i grew up.....people would gather in a huge circle (a couple thousand at least)....and dance in a huge circle....round and round.
the spirits just outside the circle.....always in observance.
always in attendance.
they know about change.
and they dance to old songs.

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Message 23/71             04-Oct-04  @  04:52 AM     Edit: 04-Oct-04  |  05:17 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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I've been doing a looot of recording lately. Lots of raw tracking, so I've set up the same drums, the same piano, with the same microphones and preamps for many people. "Presets" if you will.

I even cut into a preset template, really, with my most usual settings already dialed in to speed my workflow.

With all these presets, you would think that everything that comes out of our studio would be pretty cookie cutter. Especially since most of it is gospel music, which is pretty formulaic.

But ya know what, every single time it sounds different. Sometimes it just never gels and it sounds a mess no matter what I do. Same kit and gear as yesterday, just not used right. This is how I feel about presets. If they are properly used, you won't even recognize that they're presets, just like you don't think "ARGH, fucking piano, EVERYONE uses that thing..." This lack of "preset consequence" to true art also applies to musical phrases and arrangements. We're running out of 12-tone chord progressions, but still the true masters can make 3 chords sounds remarkable.

It's all about intention. People that come to record to make money sound just like that at the end of the day. The ones that really have something to say and all that matters is that they get it down and out and to the people... they NEED to.... well their projects couldn't sound bad no matter how much I fucked up.

You've heard this a million times before but guess what, it's fucking TRUE.... "it's not the arrow, it's the indian." Be true to yourself and true to what you do and if you're supposed to be bringing music to the world it's gonna happen despite you. Deal with it.

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Message 24/71             04-Oct-04  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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sure, tho i like insect explores the wastebasket too  

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Message 25/71             04-Oct-04  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???



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you know i try my own way.

and......nice post psy.

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Message 26/71             04-Oct-04  @  07:38 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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"It's all about intention. People that come to record to make money sound just like that at the end of the day"

psylichon.. i'd really like to see you involved in some discussions with/about vst developers..

clay - welll... you better not let me catch you trying in my way :p

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Message 27/71             05-Oct-04  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???



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File?:  No file!....not me x.

and btw...the bookseller never got my note so i get to borrow it for a spell.

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Message 28/71             05-Oct-04  @  01:37 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


Posts: 1345

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*takes off foil beanie*

what ?

the 808 is a fixed drum preset poly-synth with (l)a(t)titude

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Message 29/71             05-Oct-04  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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you want this korg back?   seriously, like maybe in 15 years i might.. think i saw pads in the mouser catalog too :D

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Message 30/71             05-Oct-04  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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Electronic music will never be as good as 'real' played music because, although you can programme what can't be played, without actually hitting the keys, plucking the strings, banging the drums, etc., you're not putting 'you' into it. When we programme music, we can't ever transmit the same level of expression as when we play instruments.
What you can do, if you're good enough (which few are), is put lyrics on to it. Lyrics are as expressive as instruments (arguably more so). Is it a coincidence that, of all the 'synthetic' musical genres, rap, despite 99% of it being idiots who spout the same old crap, is the most commercially successful?

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