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Subject: Matrix Reloaded

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jan-03  @  01:05 PM   -   Matrix Reloaded


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Ok.. caught a link to the Superbowl trailer for this on Aint it Cool news and I gotta admit, it looks pretty fucking impressive... that AND the teaser for the Hulk...

Any thoughts?

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Message 21/90             29-Jan-03  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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krisgot, grüssgot, he really aint that bad... its a decent flick, and its a true story too so he can say anything which fits

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Message 22/90             30-Jan-03  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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ninja gaiden had the best NES soundtest. And a closer song that could make ya weep.

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Message 23/90             30-Jan-03  @  02:57 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Relax, AC Milan, if you like that movie, no problem. But does it really compare to Matrix?

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Message 24/90             30-Jan-03  @  09:48 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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"AC Milan"... heh, it was bound to come up one day  

and no, totaly different. i thought someone was asking about good films.

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Message 25/90             30-Jan-03  @  11:52 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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i have a gameboy with a sequencing program.. makes some killer ass bass sounds... really! cant find the cartridge... need to find it and make a patch cable too hook it up to the mixer.

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Message 26/90             31-Jan-03  @  04:26 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded



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Good films..... problem is they are so far and in between. The way Hollywood puts together these trailers, making the film look better than it actually is. Sometimes they use footage that isn't even in the movie.

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Message 27/90             31-Jan-03  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Finally he notices..  

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Message 28/90             31-Jan-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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What i hate is when the temp score in the trailer is better than the actual score in the film. Is it my imagination or have film scores REALLY gone down in quality the past decade or so?


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Message 29/90             31-Jan-03  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded

Broken Silence


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Kinda the opposite case: Lord of the rings: the two towers played the theme song to requiem. I will admit that the music was quite good in requiem, but still when i was watching gandalf running around shootin shit in the preview, I couldn't stop thinking about that dude with gangrene in his arm. Oh and btw Lord of the rings 2 kicked ass.

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Message 30/90             03-Feb-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Matrix Reloaded


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Yes, true about the score. Remember Triple X... Hendrix song? In the trailer, but not in the movie. Probably a mix of legal, royaly and marketing issues, ie money. Hendrix sells better that Orbital, even if they are actually in the movie. So, it's nice to see this Sundance thing doing so well.

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