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Subject: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB

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Original Message                 Date: 13-May-03  @  04:18 PM   -   MJ Vs Prince Vs JB

Filthy McNasty


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Right, We're having this debate in the office this afternoon. Taking into account musical ability, vocal skills and performance, who's the best:-

1. Prince
2. Michael Jackson
3. James Brown

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Message 21/43             14-May-03  @  06:47 AM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB


Posts: 154

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>Have you heard it? "Everything I Play's Gonna Be
Funky"!!!! OMG... like I said, even James Brown cites the
man as the father of funk! First to coin the phraze, first to
lay it down!

Well, I think the word funk came from some stanky
caveman, I'm sure it's been around that long ;-)

>Go out and peep...
Yulp, tryna d-load it right now...

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Message 22/43             14-May-03  @  10:09 AM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB

Jock Munro

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I would reluctantly have to say Prince. I prefer MJ's music. But I know Prince has written for loads of other artists too, and can play. So that defines him as a better muso in my books, and of course he doesnt go around with a manky plastic face and dangling kids off balconies.

I still think MJ deserves top respect though.

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Message 23/43             14-May-03  @  12:05 PM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB



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trust - Prince can SHRED! - the solo on purple rain live was ing awesome!! - it'd put quite a few 'top guitarists' to shame

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Message 24/43             14-May-03  @  02:41 PM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB


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And self taught too.. On like 15 instruments or something like that!


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Message 25/43             15-May-03  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB


Posts: 399

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JB anyday- he helped invent the funk and MJ and Prince owe him for that........

shame MJ is such a nonce cos is in his prime he was shit hot but still comes lower than prince (musicianship) and jb (ideas, execution, professionalism)


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Message 26/43             15-May-03  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB


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Yes, I said the purple one no contest... It's a fugging opinion, yes? While I'll definitely give it up that JB is a consumate showman, his musical abilities with instruments is (at least for me) unknown. Vocally, while from different camps, JB an' Prince seem rather close. So there ye have it... =)


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Message 27/43             16-May-03  @  03:11 AM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB


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I will say this, while JB may not be the shredder that Prince is, or the dancer that MJ is, his standard of musicianship that he surrounds himself with, and the tightness of his tunes makes the music of JB's show probably the baddest and funkiest of the bunch. I mean you can use ex-MJ player, or even ex-Prince player on your resume to get other gigs, but when you're an ex JB-player, the hats come off, and the doors are pulled open for you at any gig you play, cuz just to get the gig with Him you had to smoke it, and not fuck it up even once. Now half the time you can't understand a word he says, but you know without a doubt it's cooler than anything Prince or MJ would ever say, even if he's just talkin about his hemmoroid problems.


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Message 28/43             16-May-03  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB


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I dunno.. I don't even think you can compare vocal skills of Prince with the rest.. Listen to the harmonies on "Seven" or the way he can carry a tune as sparse as "Theives in the Temple".

As far as I'm concerned he owns pop music  


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Message 29/43             17-May-03  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB

man called clay


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i like the guy who maceo parker played
with for years and years. and certainly
not the guy who got all uppity about
sinead's stance on things. prince could never figure out
if he was an artist formerly known as...
the posing mirror-fanatic!.

and michael could never figure out if he
was space monkette formerly one of the jackson five. whereas mr. brown was straight up
rawness and
stellar funkness.

no questions asked.

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Message 30/43             18-May-03  @  01:17 PM   -   RE: MJ Vs Prince Vs JB


Posts: 399

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amen Ape, all you have to know is that Bootsy Collin's is an ex JB player, as well as his bro and Fred Wesley- they don't come much funkier...


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