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Subject: neccessary force

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Nov-02  @  12:20 AM   -   neccessary force



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So there was a high speed chase that happened a few hours ago around here, and it ended a few blocks from my house. This guy apparently had been running for an hour or something, while firing shots behind him at the 20+ police vehicles following him. After his second collision with another vehicle, he's stuck and the police approach the vehicle, at which time he decides to pull out a rifle and point it at the cops. Apparently every cop on the scene felt it neccessary to put a few bullets in him. From my house I heard about 30+ shots fired, and I don't think he even got one off. All within about a three second period. Somebody also wanted to 'make sure he's dead' or something, because after about almost a second of silence somebody put 3 more rounds in him.

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Message 21/39             15-Nov-02  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: neccessary force



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I'd say if you point a gun at a guy with a gun you can expect it to be the last thing you do in this life.

I'd also say that it's a damn shame that some screwed up human did that screwed up sh*t. And how terrible it must be for some of those cops who never have been in a situation like that before. I'm sure the reality of their decision to be cops came home at the moment as well. Probably explains the guy who didn't START firing until everyone else stopped. He was probably completely FREAKED out.

Sounds like a really bad deal for everyone involved. What I'm always surprised at is folks going on about, "F*ck him, he deserved it!" I'm in complete agreement with the idea of people taking responsibility for their own actions. But a little F*cking human compassion goes a long way toward preventing this sh*t people.

Not only should we except personal responsibility for our actions, but it might also be healthy to except some social responsibility for our culture!


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Message 22/39             15-Nov-02  @  06:42 PM   -   RE: neccessary force


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C'mon, e... If you shoot at me, and I'm armed, I'm gonna shoot back. If you shoot at a cop, they're definately gonna shoot back.

Moral of the story, don't shoot at cops (duh)

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Message 23/39             15-Nov-02  @  07:38 PM   -   RE: neccessary force



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For posterity

But what if you are off it, looking here for a reason not to, caught again...

f me cold

no music I can hear

fearealfeel ndyin gettin

paid for it

respect to e

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Message 24/39             15-Nov-02  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: neccessary force



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he picked me up outside the bus station, i'd just come in alone from the country. He helped me and then drugged me into owning him my body. For anyone now

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Message 25/39             15-Nov-02  @  08:40 PM   -   RE: neccessary force


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"Sounds like a really bad deal for everyone involved. What I'm always surprised at is folks going on about, "F*ck him, he deserved it!" I'm in complete agreement with the idea of people taking responsibility for their own actions. But a little F*cking human compassion goes a long way toward preventing this sh*t people. "

bullshit bullshit BULLSHIT.

we've been compassionate for too fucking long, coddling people, man.

starts at the parent/child level and just moves on up. buncha spoiled ME FIRST
CHILDREN running around

I see what youre saying. honest. but its bullshit. I dont trust those doing the cracking unfortunately, but at this stage a crackdown is whats needed.

self-regulation is a wonderful ideal, but fails miserably in almost all situations

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Message 26/39             15-Nov-02  @  09:39 PM   -   RE: neccessary force



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Go Influx! Ok cops aren't angels, true there are some bad cops, but there also are some good cops. But criminals (actual criminals, NOT suspected criminals) are all bad. If they shoot at people, drive like a c*nt and endanger lives, end theirs, quickly. This scenario is a world apart from some innocent amateur carpenter guy with a chair leg. Lest we forget cops are people too, they up, no excuse but thats all it is, no matter how tragic. A trucker who has forgotten to take his nap breaks and ploughs into a bus full of schoolkids may walk away from the incident physically unhurt, but the mental scars will haunt him forever. Mass murderers on the other hand have no remorse, take Myra Hindley she is quoted as saying "I'm not mad so I must just be bad" funny huh? Well she died today and I hope the C*nt burns in hell for eternity, then when she's screaming and can't take no more maybe just maybe she will be experiencing the pain of the parents of the kids she killed. Here's hoping.

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Message 27/39             15-Nov-02  @  09:45 PM   -   RE: neccessary force


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odd. not used to people agreeing with me

its a hard position to take, because I truly hate the rampant authority that is ubiquitous nowadays. But..with how fucked up things are its just necessary to have cops that use force when justifiable

sadly, they fail horribly sometimes. IMO they too should be eliminated...

the whole thing seems corrupt, but...if you look at it rationally its not 'all' that bad. Could be hella worse...and sometimes Im glad theyre out there.

its just sad that instead of being impartial arbiters of wisdome they are often just programmed JOCKS. Just another army...


ive met some good cops tho. definitely

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Message 28/39             15-Nov-02  @  10:40 PM   -   RE: neccessary force



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I'm sooooo misunderstood...  

I'm not saying that he can't expect to get shot. Or that it's wrong to shoot him... Just that the whole thing is f*cked up from the beginning.

I'm also not suggesting that we hand hold and apologize for bad behaviour. F*ck the ME FIRST crap. I rag often about this "every child is special" crap just because it teaches children that they're more important than others.

I'm just suggesting that to ignore the causes and conditions in both our society and the individual accomplishes nothing. Just some human understanding of what must be in the mind of someone who behaves this irrational and out of step with reason. Not to apologize for him but to prevent ourselves and our culture from becoming the monstruous mess these people are representative of.

I am often surprised at how brutal some people can be. "He deserved to die", without a second thought. That's as frightening to me as the guy who points the gun. Not the same thing!! But just as unnerving, and sad.


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Message 29/39             15-Nov-02  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: neccessary force



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Influx, I'm not saying that he didn't deserve to be shot. I just think the PD around here gets a little excited and reckless. They do this about every 8 months or something.

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Message 30/39             15-Nov-02  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: neccessary force



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And heaven forbid they should live to go to trial

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