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Subject: why war

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Original Message                 Date: 18-Oct-02  @  09:40 PM   -   why war


Posts: 290

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I see a lot of posts about America and Iraq, and sometimes I find what some of you folks think a bit hard to swallow....

It seems like a lot of you think that America is threatening war simply for oil, so that a few men can obtain more power and money.... Do you really think that? If you do, I think you are misguided. I think that money and power MIGHT be the end result of a war, but that's an dubious proposition at best, and I don't think they are the USA's prime motivating factors for starting one.....

Bush clearly laid out the case that Saddam is a UNIQUE threat for reasons x, y and z... and, after a debate, our Congress voted to go along, and created a resolution authorizing war. So, this isn't "Bush's war" and we're not a "dictatorship". This is a healthy democracy where everyone (including Bush) votes, and are bound by the results according to the rule of law...

To say that we start wars for money and power is kind of selling short what really moves our leaders to action... These guys are seriously concerned about SECURITY, and oil is a part of that.... Like it or not, a steady flow of oil happens to be vital for many nations' national security. So, peace in the region is in the world's best interest. But saying it's just about oil is like pointing at Influx and saying he's only doing music for the money and the chicks... it sells short what he's really about, and trivializes the issue. Hey, these guys all HAVE money AND immense power.... And we all know that wars are very very costly, both in human and economic terms....

So, in my view, these men sit in fear of the judgement of history, because they truly fear what Saddam will do if given a chance......

More people should be GLAD Saddam is going down, but it seems like there's a lot of hand-wringing... the guy is a menace, and he's just going to cause more problems if he's left alone. He's also shooting at us almost every day for fuck's sake. So, what the fuck? Is the world supposed to do nothing? So, what would you do?

There's no denying it will be a tremendous benefit to the West to have a friendly Iraqi regime, and it will be also pretty good for the Iraqi people, too (the ones that survive the war, anyway).... but to say that we threaten all this killing and upheaval because of the greed and power hunger of a few men is too simple an argument...

Before you ask, I don't trust the govt. and I'm not supportive of the USA going to war alone. But I do think the threat is real. The guy has got to go, and it's up to the world to find a way to do it....

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Message 21/41             19-Oct-02  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: why war


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wake the fuck up! there is no america, there is no china, there is no afgahnistan. come out from under your white sheet! i know who's under there!

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Message 22/41             20-Oct-02  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: why war


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it amazes me that you people are so in the know.

H that was a HELLA rant, and pretty in eloquent. you owe zazza some money for the editorial skills (even tho he left your mistypes in there )

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Message 23/41             20-Oct-02  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: why war



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"world security" lol !!! - ha ha ha hahaha ahahaha hahahaha ahaha ahhahah....

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Message 24/41             20-Oct-02  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: why war



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hang on what about.... "peace, freedom & democracy"

ha hahahaha ahaha ahah aha aha hahahahahaha ahahhaahahahaha haahahahhahahha lol!!!

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Message 25/41             20-Oct-02  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: why war


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well it's certainly NOT about peace freedom and democracy...

look, I'm not an idiot or a moron, and I didn't vote for him. I'm just trying to inject a little reality here. sorry all, but it IS about world security... that's why the current forum is the UN, and all these countries are about to agree to a new resolution. it's called the SECURITY council. a lot of people in many countries are involved and we all have a stake in what happens..... pray for peace.

jeezus, what more evidence do you need that this is a security issue with the whole world's involvement? it's in the UN!

so sorry, it's just not about Bush sending Iowa farmboys to die to line his pockets.... do you realize how insane that sounds?

I don't want war, and I see this current crisis as the culmination of terrible foreign policy over the last 20 years.... I think Bush is a lousy president, but there's no conpiracy like that going on... the truth is bad enough....

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Message 26/41             20-Oct-02  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: why war

reality check


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It's funny how peeople speculate when they have no idea,, whats worst is when one rules out completly the prospects that are actually ruinning the world.

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Message 27/41             20-Oct-02  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: why war


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sending iowa farm boys to war to line their own pockets.. what a crazy idea.. indeed.. the bush family has a long family of making $ from death.. read your history..

How the Bush family made its fortune

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Message 28/41             20-Oct-02  @  10:09 PM   -   RE: why war


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damn I had no idea he was connected to all that... that's kinda freaky... Hitler and all...

all right - truth be told - I'm AFRAID to believe that it's all a big chess game for the wealthy and powerful... the thought of that being true fills me with horror... I just can't face it.

I'm trying to retain some semblance of faith in humanity, but it's not working very well...

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Message 29/41             20-Oct-02  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: why war


Posts: 6231

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support me in my attempts to convince alicebot to destroy humanity! Om.

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Message 30/41             21-Oct-02  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: why war


Posts: 28

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speculation is one thing but if you want the
real dope check out the link.Yep there are
missing COMBLOC nukes.Hell we're missing
some too.Problem is those warheads require
maintaining and detection equipment in our
inventory would spot them.More than likely the
Anthrax attacks were with stolen goodies from
our own inventory.Now as far as getting a
rocket to deliver one of those warheads it sure
aint gonna be a scud b.The dirty bomb threat
on the other hand is a more real
possibility.Although it doesn't lend itself to the
terror weapon as good as a percieved threat
from a blast.The simple fact is no matter how
many iraqs and n.Koreas you blow up one guy
strapped w/ C4 or even a lone "sniper' is
much more psychologically effective .Just look
at the pix of the people laying behind their cars
in DC when they pump gas.Seems to me that
all you need is a few boxcutters to get the job
done.Like I said before jesus loves you, have
a bomb.We should just go ahead anfd print
that on our almighty dollar.BTW Ape,sure
those warheads are about the size of a small
van,but they are a tad heavier.Notto mention if
you had one of those warheads and it was
leaking you'd probably kill the crew on a
container ship before it got to its
destination.But I am in agreemnt with you on
one part of that.Anyone can do anything if they
are determined.That's why i'm all for the mass
extermination of all religious peoples.Well
monotheistic ones anyway.As far as oil
grabbing goes,Do you really think a bunch of
oil rich texans would want to build a pipeline
across Iraq?

H - God and Oil aren't they great?

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