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Subject: Saddam Interview

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Feb-03  @  12:40 AM   -   Saddam Interview



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Anyone catch it with Dan Rather (SP).

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Message 31/37             02-Mar-03  @  02:12 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview

man called clay


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we can bush's middle-east will be just as easy
to hold onto....

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Message 32/37             02-Mar-03  @  02:28 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview

man called clay


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as for the laughs (tisk)'s a good article on
just how ashcroft is insuring illegal guns can be maintained on the streets without california being able to secure checks on who owns them. the elimination of resistance through private and individual mayhem perpetrated by "common crime"
.....especially in the ghetto....will certainly go
a long way towards getting the job pacification>
i can imagine the burning of al sharpton's headquarters will also go unsolved.

one can just feel the love.

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Message 33/37             02-Mar-03  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview

man called clay


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i guess what i'm getting at (here) is that the play is gonna take place in the middle of the philippines (as they are quietly occuring now)...and here in america where the power rests. at this point....britain is pretty much the symbolic poodle state.....creating the perception and televised image (hear hear) that western society condones the abolition of human decency which is about to occur. it was stated somewhere that only
about 15 percent of the british troops deployed were actual ready ground troops.
we have more than that in the city of LA.....
ready for gang-war...anytime.
and most likely on someone's payroll. you have your tea.....
and ponder the ramifications of what's occurring....and who's saying what......just note that it's way easier to laugh when you're sitting on that little rock which tony blair governs.....
and not the real setting where decisions governing/maddening the world...are really made.



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Message 34/37             03-Mar-03  @  11:16 AM     Edit: 03-Mar-03  |  11:19 AM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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Oooie.. the US and UK have started extra bombing of missile sites in southern Iraq.. part of an 'aggressive policy change' according to the US.

Wheeeeeeee.... soften them up eh?

Of course the 'missile sites' are slap bang in the middle of the Shi'a communities towns and villages...

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Message 35/37             03-Mar-03  @  12:46 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


Posts: 673

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war by any other name, but i bet Ladbrookes won't pay out on that

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Message 36/37             03-Mar-03  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview


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Not unless a missile hits the Weather Centre roof on Christmas Day...

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Message 37/37             03-Mar-03  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: Saddam Interview

man called clay


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ladbrooke's probably won't but the uk's
churches and hospitals are officially ready to take on the incoming....maimed etc.

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