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Subject: The Iraq War- History Lesson

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Nov-04  @  09:02 PM   -   The Iraq War- History Lesson


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Flame me but alot of people who post in the lounge section don't know why republicans support the iraq war.

September 11th- Radical Muslims attack the united states and they finally get a taste of what terrorism is. We know who did it: a radical muslim who believes it is willed by his god to eliminate american culture. This is NOT relating to ANY events. Radical muslims despise the entire way that they view american culture, even though most haven't even been to america.

sidetrack: Did you know what the terrorists watched before they attacked the US? Baywatch. They don't hate us because of our politics, they hate our culture and they view our culture through television. Baywatch "hyped" them up for their attack against the united states.

Many people died and it was pretty much a kick in the balls for the US. We FINALLY come to our senses and realize how much of a threat radical Muslims pose against the future of the US and other countries.

Where do the majority of radical muslims live? The middle east.

Now why attack Iraq? Well it's simple yet complicated. Iraq has an absolutely insane amount of oil as you all know. Something you might not have known- what other natural resource is incredibly abundant under their soil? Water.

What can you do with both oil and water? Natural gas = fertilizer. Fertilizer + water ======= you do the math.

With the ability to have incredible economic benifits, Iraq has the ability to become the greatest nation in the middle east. Iraqis also are one of the most well educated people in the middle east- and they are also not lazy.

Now we've got means for a great economy, people who will make that economy happen- but we've got a problem. Dictator from hell. So the United states sees a chance to remove the dictator, take out as many terrorists who would make it even harder to spread democracy to iraq. Once Iraq becomes a democratic society and has the economic resources to become wealthy and has people who will work for it, whats next?

Ripple effect. Iraq becomes a great nation, the ripple spreads through the middle east. Once things get straightened out there, people will start to realize, hey democracy aint so bad! And once surrounding countries see how well iraq is doing, it spreads to them as well.

The entire Iraq war can be summed up in those two words ripple effect.

There is ABSOLUTELY no FUCKING way to negotiate with terrorists. How the hell are you supposed to tell someone "hey, your god is wrong, so please dont kill us, aight?"

Sure we could have captured Bin Laden, thrown him in jail- then what? We'd have nothing but more radical muslims spawning from his wake. Through this ripple effect that will be sent through the middle east, it changes radical ideals in bulk.

Of course, this is a HUGE generalization. This isn't going to happen over night. This is something that is going to evolve over time, and take time to set in.

Still I know that this will not be enough for you guys, and i know this isnt going to change any of your opinions--- im not trying to- but it sounds like the right idea to over half of the country. I know I'll probably get torn to shreds for posting this, but this isn't a dig on anyone, just a republican point of view on the war in Iraq, and after all, republicans did start the war.

Now I'm getting a bit faklempt! Discuss amongst's a topic....why republicans support the iraq war!

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Message 31/38             04-Nov-04  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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Andrew, had I known your age I wouldn't have laid into you that way. It's good you're thinking about politics but you have to really think hard about some things. Mainly you need to realize that killing is something one does as a last last last resort. This isn't a vid game over in Iraq. When we went Rumsfeld said there would be no american deaths and because of our precision military, very few iraqi civilian deaths. And we've all seen Bush's mission accomplished photo op. It shows how out of touch this administration is with human beings and the human heart.

On the economic side, I woke up again this morning to the business report. Joe Connelly of the Wall Street Journal said the stock market rallied yesterday on news that Bush won. Some reasons:

Wall Street believes Bush will strive to ban citizens of the US from getting affordable prescription drugs from Canada, something the pharmaceutical companies like to hear.

Bush will push for allowing more coal production...bad for the environment.

Bush will push to privatize our social security money. You can kiss that money goodbye with businesses being regulated far less than the federal government. Too many business people can't be trusted with other people's money. Unfortunate fact of life. Look at the Enron executives that were caught on tape singing "burn baby burn" while watching California wildfires. All they could think about is the money that would go into their pockets. And we don't even have to go there.

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Message 32/38             04-Nov-04  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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its just amazing to me that anyone, absolutely anyone, could look at these things and say "yup, all's well"

enron, MCI/WorldCom, Adelphia...the list goes on and on and on

corporations rule, or at least are in favor

now I feel sick again. thanks sitar :~|

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Message 33/38             04-Nov-04  @  11:28 PM     Edit: 04-Nov-04  |  11:29 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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Anytime Influx I bet you're tee'd off now

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Message 34/38             05-Nov-04  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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If you ask a question then people take time to answer - even if they are all slating you - and you wash your hands of it without answering is disrespectful and pussy lightweight.

I dont give a toss if you 'feel' that you only need to answer k, I put up points from your opening post which are pretty straightforward comments that bring something to the argument and where is the comeback Andrew?

If you aint going to respect effort when you ask for it- then you are a troll and according to k's new 'rules' that aint allowed. Can we kick him out please K?

FU and your H2

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Message 35/38             05-Nov-04  @  11:39 AM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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er.... when i think of troll and DT, Andrews hardly the person/people who come to mind

A troll would be someone posting utter shite on a forum that they had no otherwise-site related topical involment in-

Dancetech- Andrews regularly posting in all the musical/tech/ forums and discussions (you know the bar on the left hand side - CONCEPT!!! )

I just checked your profile, funny, theres zip all there *reads second sentence again*

ohhhhhhhh thats right.....


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Message 36/38             05-Nov-04  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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so Andrew when did you decide to log in as your partner

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Message 37/38             05-Nov-04  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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Message 38/38             05-Nov-04  @  03:23 PM   -   RE: The Iraq War- History Lesson


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"potty mouth"

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