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Subject: al jazeera

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Original Message                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  09:40 AM     Edit: 09-Apr-03  |  09:42 AM   -   al jazeera


Posts: 1502

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The english version of the Al Jazeera website is online at the moment.. hacking and denial of service attacks have kept it offline for most of the last few weeks.

Interesting for those of you who want a different view of the war with Iraq. Surpisingly it is not any more biased/partisan than FOX news, maybe less so...

English - Al Jazeera

In fact some of it's reporting on protests in the West is more than you are going to get from mainstream media in those bastions of free speech and democracy...

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Message 31/38             20-Apr-03  @  02:44 AM   -   RE: al jazeera



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Is this what you are talking about?

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Message 32/38             20-Apr-03  @  03:10 AM   -   RE: al jazeera


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"choice" = democracy?

Sorry C but is "bashing" your preffered candidate word...I'm going to have to go with your first decision...

"Or how about Hitler?" GWB and Hitler! who would suggest such a thing?

Law::o I undrstand why you suggest compensation I mean the % is more tangible than dealing with cashless moral victories

This bashing may not stop. I still take the piss out of an old socialist mate who uses a house cleaner, may be it can go underground. Wish there was a site listing the products made in the US and the companies (and products) predominantly US owned

A - a not "new improved" european

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Message 33/38             20-Apr-03  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: al jazeera


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ohh please come improve me, sprinkle me with your glittery sparkling freedom ®

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Message 34/38             20-Apr-03  @  10:48 AM     Edit: 20-Apr-03  |  10:49 AM   -   RE: al jazeera


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Conscience Q&A from BBC news site on the 'International Court of Law'

'International Court of Law' Their internet site

Two of the countries which have failed to sign up are the US and Iraq..

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Message 35/38             21-Apr-03  @  10:52 PM   -   RE: al jazeera



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Among others...

Lets say they DO find chemical/bio/nuclear weapons. Would you believe it? Or would you accuse the US and UK of planting them? Answer honestly.

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Message 36/38             22-Apr-03  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: al jazeera

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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planting them.

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Message 37/38             22-Apr-03  @  01:32 PM   -   RE: al jazeera


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who the fvck cares what we think - i think that is the correct answer

heard some french bigwig comment that the US/UK action shows the lack of control of US military. And when consiodered in military spend France (hence the rest of the world) is not spending enough. Like I mentioned in threads before Who is the enemy?

I hope they do not buy from the US - after all a chip which shuts down the machine if pointng a friendly device would be easy to hide so be prepared for massive increases in diversion of human creativity into developing new ways of killing humans

fvuk you George

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Message 38/38             22-Apr-03  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: al jazeera


Posts: 1502

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If they DO find weapons of mass destruction and an independent body can confirm the backgorund and circumstances to a reasonable degree of certainty then sure I'll believe.

If the US/UK go, 'Oh lookee here a thousand VX gas warheads marked 'made in texas' then no...

As always, it's a judgement call..

Not the the US seems to give a monkeys whether they find any or not..

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