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Subject: The Arrogance of Originality???

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  11:02 PM   -   The Arrogance of Originality???


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"I think that this is an unavoidable situation given the reliance on digital audio tools for creating electronic music but it is no different than musicians being able to hear a Yamaha DX-7, Korg M-1 or an Arp 2600 on a recording except now they can hear plug-ins. Being aware of the tools used in a work of art is nothing new. I used to hang out with fine arts and film students who could trainspot a particular type of brush, medium or camera lens used in a work. The pressure to create sounds that have never been heard before and/or whose origins are undetectable reeks of a modernist notion of "originality". Originality is no longer a relevant aesthetic problem...we abandoned that idea a long time ago. I like the fact that tools have become part of the can create very complex surfaces upon which to work."

Kim Cascone
-- founder of Silent Records and all around brilliant electronic music dude.

Whadya think?

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Message 31/71             05-Oct-04  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


Posts: 81

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ha! all these declaratives mean little.

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Message 32/71             05-Oct-04  @  09:43 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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Togo... err... what are you on about?

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Message 33/71             05-Oct-04  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


Posts: 1345

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"you want this korg back? '"

nah, goods exchanged through barter are non-returnable, beside, i haven't quite grasped the "basic" concept yet :p

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Message 34/71             06-Oct-04  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


Posts: 6231

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okay togo..

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Message 35/71             07-Oct-04  @  02:00 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???



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x...tracks forum!!!!!!

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Message 36/71             07-Oct-04  @  06:25 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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Fuck off

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Message 37/71             08-Oct-04  @  10:17 AM     Edit: 08-Oct-04  |  10:25 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


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I think togo may be talking about improvisation in real time. I dont make music so I am really talking out of my arse here but since this thread is slacking I may as well chivvy one in there.

So programming futures is not as rewarding for the unstoned listener or performer as the analogue experience of moving all sound on in real time through banging pots or whatever

While we are talking originality - its a myth, especially illustrated by the strange satisfaction of listening to these little loops going round and round (where would dance music be without E etc ?). Its OK we are pattern recognisers and the 'unique' are always misunderstood before becoming mainstream (being recognised) but where I have a problem is with the cyclic nature of "new" fashion. We are worms moving around our own muck. Personally I like remembering nothing - every day is new...what you say Jesus, NO! get away from me with that 'first day of the rest of your life shit" NO... not the "I was carrying you", NO

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Message 38/71             08-Oct-04  @  01:48 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???



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i really think he was talking about billy joel.

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Message 39/71             21-Oct-04  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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It's all about personal taste and badgers

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Message 40/71             21-Oct-04  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: The Arrogance of Originality???


Posts: 2003

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Togo, maybe you just don't know how to manipulate electronic ones to reveal nuance in your playing. Others do. Such a blanket statement is asanine and untrue.


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