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Subject: Does Paul McCartney suck?

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Original Message                 Date: 15-May-03  @  10:13 PM   -   Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Since he married Heather Mills? A program about her on the television last week, showed her for what she is - a gold digger. So does poor old Paul suck, or is he a sucker?

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Message 31/55             19-May-03  @  09:23 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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it's not funny, you're laughing at her pain etc. one legged cash suckers have feelings too. no, really.

anyone seen "a z and two noughts"?

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Message 32/55             20-May-03  @  04:48 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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the greenaway film? you bet.

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Message 33/55             20-May-03  @  07:15 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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its funny to hear negative comments
about paul from a person with a groovebox

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Message 34/55             20-May-03  @  11:26 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Meriphew... His playing aint great! predicatable and uninspired, as a bass player you should I feel folks like Pastorius, miller, bootsy, sheehan, hayes etc were/are doin it for bass playing

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Message 35/55             20-May-03  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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I've heard that not only does he suck - he swallows too...

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Message 36/55             20-May-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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i think paul was mainly a songwriter and singer and played bass as was fitting for the composition. i do you take song like...for the benefit
of mr. kite....or norwegian wood...and say make it simply about the bass-playing?
the bass was there to hold the bottom while the rest maintained the melody...which was what the beatles were known for. funk wasn't even invented report was a concept still a decade or two away.....pastorius would still end up going crazy and fading ungracefully many years later.

hard insane scientific bass just wasn't a total priority during the earliest days of rock.
ringo wasn't that great a drummer either but just listen to the beginning of ticket to ride or.....or the beats in she said..or..tnk....they
were definitely a step forward for music.

i'm sure even bootsy would tell you so.

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Message 37/55             20-May-03  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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JB was definitly being funky around the time of Mr Kite so dunno about the 'funk hadn't been invented yet'

but essentially i agree, like the prince thing- wicked twiddler but his song writing pisses all over his playing...


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Message 38/55             20-May-03  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Groovemonkey I think if you asked most of the bass players you mentioned you'd be surprised at how many would list Macca as an influence.Many famous virtuoso players hold macca's playing in high regard.

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Message 39/55             21-May-03  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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good point about jb being around at the time of
mr. kite but he and crew were still feeling things out....i believe. it wasn't yet full-fledged funk yet. right?
i'm no historian. but today i started to hear the bass-line for mean mister mustard....and boy....could you imagine the jb crew doing that one?!!!!!
now that was funky for it's time.

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Message 40/55             21-May-03  @  04:36 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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like I said in the other thread... go check out lou donaldson if you're looking for funk, in the 50's about the time Elvis was takin' off. But, funky bass is a roadhouse invention and uprights have been playing in that style since the 20's.

The Beatles owed a lot of what they did to African American music of the 40's and 50's. Hell that IS where rock came from. Lennon/McCartney were great song writers, not great musicians... McCartney understood what was good, and how tunes came together, if the bass was simple it was because of that! Tricked out bass is a "jazzy" sorta thing... NOT ROCK, and back then kids in leather from liverpool knew the friggin' difference! hehehe

the above was spot on about Ringo, man... he wasn't even good. he's always racing to catch up with the beat. In every friggin' song, gives a push pull feel that people like, but it's not good drumming... hell just listen to the medley on the b side of Abbey Road, they finaly pushed enough LSD down his throat to convince him to play a drum solo and that's what they got... it's nice to listen to, but it's not particularly good.


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