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Subject: want to program?

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Original Message                 Date: 26-Mar-03  @  05:32 PM   -   want to program?


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trying to learn c++ with no money was a total pain in the ass.. after all this time i finally found a language that's free, has decent power (can create exportable .exes.. want one??) and is well documented (after giving up several years ago back when the old people saying 'qbasic is in dos' still thought it was.)

i don't believe it codes .dlls (for vsti) directly but it handles a lot of other things, ie. com ports. i wouldn't expect the performance of c++ but if you've ever wanted to build your own midi sequencer, audio arranger and are as abhorrent of finance as i, here you go.

already written my own 'wordpad' app after about 5 hours! successfully opened, created, edited files!

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Message 31/45             07-Apr-03  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: want to program?

Steve Roughley

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Heheheh   Lol @ nobody! I know exactly how you feel!


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Message 32/45             08-Apr-03  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: want to program?


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but you got to agree it is accessable beauty

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Message 33/45             08-Apr-03  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: want to program?


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I call it 'Skip-Intro' technology...

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Message 34/45             08-Apr-03  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: want to program?


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True dat.. I was never interested until the latest version which introduced data-binding. Now I can use it for user interfaces to web applications. It saves a lot of work over straight HTML and/or Java.


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Message 35/45             08-Apr-03  @  07:03 PM     Edit: 08-Apr-03  |  07:04 PM   -   RE: want to program?


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Skip-Intro technology, yes..

That I agree with.

Accessible beauty? I don't happen to think so.

I'm sure you do have your uses for it, Craig, and I'm glad you don't think I'm saying anything against you - but I never figured you as the misinterpreting type.. So..

The thing that really pisses me off about Flash animation is how carried away people get with it, and how coooooooool they think it is to bombard you with this.. stuff.. eh. Now appearing on your screen whether you like it or not! "Slick" ads for bullshit movies like Bulletproof Monk! Eh. I just wanted to look up an actor on, not be slapped with the lastest money-making scheme of some idiots.. blablabla..

Hi Craig.

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Message 36/45             08-Apr-03  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: want to program?



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well.. i agree, but -- there's a big difference between flash animation, and AS. it's kind of like "virus presets" vs. "virus synth engine". you know?

what i wanted to say was:

"These are scripting languages and not full blown programming languages"

well.. yes, it's javascript. but.. it supports inheritance, encapsulation, etc.. what makes it not "full blown"? the fact that "script" is part of it's name?

i suppose it's really semantics -- i don't know what the difference between a scripting language and a real language is. but...

what bad habits?! i disagree with the "it doens't apply to other langs" thing -- all it does is abstract much of the machine-dependant stuff, like data types/etc.

i just don't think knowing about the difference between chars/strings/floats/longs/etc. is integral to programming. it's just language-specific syntax.

any examples of bad habits?


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Message 37/45             08-Apr-03  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: want to program?


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you might even say "it's cool when you go to a site to look for it, but it sucks if it's there and it's not the thing you're looknig for."

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Message 38/45             09-Apr-03  @  02:12 PM   -   RE: want to program?


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What makes it a scripting language is that it doesn't do a whole hell of a lot without the host environment (Flash). With Java or C you build from scratch. I'd say you're better off learning Javascript because it's more linear in nature.

As far as bad habits, the idea of stashing code in multiple layers or in different frames is whack. Of course this is less of an issue if you're following the best practices, but the best languages for learning to program FORCE you into the best practices by design of the language.. That's why they often teach things like Eiffel and Modula-2 in universitites. These languages are designed so that the way to accomplish something is laid out along the best practices for doing so in a more open language.

I don't know.. A lot of the things I have to bitch about in Flash I'd bitch about with any 4GL, like Powerbuilder or Visual FoxPro, or VB or whatever.. I don't think they make good learning tools. Put it this way, someone who knows C++ can easily pick up something like FoxPro. Someone who knows FoxPro isn't going to have a prayer at C++, they have a lot more learning to do.

These are just my opinions remember   I'm biased because I came through the standard university computer science program, and compared to my peers who didn't have the foundations I had, I write cleaner, faster, more maintainable code. I also pick up new languages more easily, and understand new concepts more easily than they do.


Hi Nobody!

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Message 39/45             09-Apr-03  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: want to program?



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i'm in 4th-year compsci (minor).. and it appears i've had a somewhat different experience ;)

i definitely agree with "they have a lot more learning to do." but.. i really don't think this is a bad thing.

it's mostly my experience with non-coding friends: looking at AS source, they can get the gist of what's what. this lets them gradually understand the basics in a more abstract setting. i.e they understand what a variable is.

they DON'T need to understand the 132586 niggling details about data types. when they move to c++, they _will_ need to learn this, but they'll probably find it easier to expand their knowledge of variables than to have to swallow both the abstract idea of what a variable IS, and million implementation-specific things about how variables work in c++, simultaneously.

i suppose my argument is, AS is better to learn in because it allows you to learn in small increments, from the very abstract to the very specific. in c++, both abstract concept and implementation are both sort of lumped together, and that makes it harder for people to grasp the specifics as simple implementations of a more eneral, abstract concept. like, it's harder to seperate the ideal thing from the way c++ handles the thing. but.. to each his own i suppose.

however, i think that AS is the future in terms of programming, because to be honest, i don't CARE about how the machine is storing my numbers, and i shouldn't HAVE to care -- eventually (hopefully), machines will be too complex for us to be able to really map our though-concepts onto physical processes in a meaningful way.

20 years ago, human-written asm ruled over compilers. now, most of the time the compiler wins, because CPU architecture is soooooo much more complex now -- we can no longer really fit all of the processes involved into our minds at the same time. but.. well, whatever. blahblahblah..

to me, the important part of programming is the abstract "devellop an algorithm to solve a problem" part, and actually expressing the algo in terms a computer can understand is sort of the boring, crappy, hopefully-soon-fully-automated task. [having said that, one course i'm taking right now is numerical methods, so i definitely see how sometimes, the implementation details need to influence the algo. but.. i don't agree that this is how things SHOULD be.]


i know exactly what you mean about frame crap -- i HATED that shit. and then flashMX arrived, and guess what? now things work the way they should -- you can write an entire program all in a single text file, without doing anything flash-specific (i.e nomucking w/ movie clips, _all_ you need is a text file). woo!

also, you don't need flash to write in AS, there are a few 3rd party apps which will generate bytecode from txt. [and, just in case you miss c, you can hack the byte-code (as close as you get to assembly) with flasm.]

since the specs for AS are open, a lot of people have develloped various open tools..

aaanyway.. maybe it's simply due to lazyness on my part, but.. i prefer writing in AS to java/c++ simply because, most of the time i don't CARE about writing a "real" program, i care about the algos. like: does my solution work?

once i get a stable stack of boxes in my *!%$*% physics sim, THEN i'll worry about porting it to a real lang. until then, i want to be able to know that the instability is due to a problem with my approach/solution, and not simply a problem with my description of my solution.

okay, end of rant.


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Message 40/45             10-Apr-03  @  02:22 PM   -   RE: want to program?


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See, again I have to disagree. A weakly typed language like ActionScript sets you up for lots of problems later on. How data is stored and accessed is THE fundamental building block of programming. A weakly typed language allows you to bend the rules - this is often convenient for the programmer but depending on a user's inputs you can experience anything from wierdness to outright crashes at runtime. Strongly typed languages offer a measure of security against this. They are also easier to maintain.

A lot of this doesn't become apparent until you graduate, get a real job, and inheirit maintenance duties to a 5 year old program, and nobody has any idea how it works. With C++, you could look at the parameters to the function you're working on and see what's coming in, what type it is (which often gives you a clue to what it's use will be). If the variables aren't carefully named and the code carefully commented (hahaha!! Good fucking luck!), then you're screwed and you'll waste hours going through the code trying to figure out exactly what goes into the variable "v1_c" and what it's purpose is.

4GLs and script-based languages are great tools, and they're useful - much of my professional life has been spent in 4GL tools (Cold Fusion, Visual FoxPro).. If you ever have to do database programming though, like Oracle stored procedures, you're going to have a steep learning curve. If you were trained in Modula-2 or C, or preferably ADA (the syntax is very similar), then you're going to have a much easier time of it. You can also program the DB in Java now..

But anyways, back to the point... What you cite as an advantage is something I see as a bad habit, because it results in code that's more difficult to maintain. You really need to pay attention to everything your professors tell you where your gut reaction is "That's stupid, this way is easier"... It's easier when it's one guy writing a 200 line program that he's going to submit for a project and never see again.. But when you're part of a 4 person team collaborating on a million-line program that's going to be in use for 5-10 years, then it's a whole different ball game.

It's not that you can't learn using ActionScript (although I'd recommend Javascript over ActionScrit for previously mentioned reasons).. And it's going to depend on what you intend to do with that knowlege. Xoxos probably just wants to learn how to program so he can build various widgets for himself and basically just learn for learning's sake, but if you intend to apply that knowlege in the business world it's going to get you into habits that wind up producing inferior code.

My 2 cents anyways...


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