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Subject: everyones doing it!!!

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Nov-02  @  01:18 PM     Edit: 30-Nov-02  |  01:20 PM   -   everyones doing it!!!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I am starting to get very annoyed with all of the software piracy that is going on. Yesterday at my university, two of my lecturers were talking about where to find cracks for this and that, and I'm thinking, am I an idiot for paying??? I don't know if it is jealousy or what, but I have paid thousands, THOUSANDS!, for software (again, am I an idiot?), leaving me broke alot of the time, while so many people are just stealing and still have money to go out to clubs and have fun, and it really pisses me off to hear of people doing this.

This is part of the reason that Emagic moved to Apple, and badly affected users such as myself who have paid ALOT of money for this stuff. Don't get me wrong, I have no major moral hangups about it, but what happened to supporting those who provide you with the products that you use? I actually feel quite screwed over!

I'm sorry if it sounds like I am winging, I don't mean to. Any input from other paying users would be appreciated.



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Message 31/49             03-Dec-02  @  12:11 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!

Def Z


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I think there's a degree of truth in that for most people. I know I appreciate things that I've earned a lot more than things that were given to me.

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Message 32/49             03-Dec-02  @  05:51 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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Yer all ninnys... don't appreciate free stuff as much as paid for stuff??? What silliness is that? Something has to come with shrinkwrap and a pricetag to make yer wheels turn hard?

Fuk'em and feed'em fishheads.....=)


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Message 33/49             03-Dec-02  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


Posts: 7627

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i aint no ninny ya GIT.

like I said..if money makes you appreciate it more...youre..youre...youre a NINNY!

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Message 34/49             03-Dec-02  @  10:54 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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well if you have less gear you are going to try to get more out of it, innit! that was my point. i guess iŽd appreciate 100 different compressors, one for each possible task just as well, but iŽd never get further than presets. ok ok, not me, but someone outthere... bah. ninny :P

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Message 35/49             03-Dec-02  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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"But for fuck's sake, charge what it's worth, not simply whatever you can get."

so who gets to decide what something is worth? i thought that was the whole point of the capitalist system, the market decides what something is worth?

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Message 36/49             03-Dec-02  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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Not when commercial monopolies operate to maintain unique poition (buying competitors/raising barriers to entry) and force lobbies to press for judicial/governmental influence to remove competition. Whats thast economic law about never having enough

What is wrong with paying a reasonable amount. Charging what you can get away with has caused many of the problems I see around. Boom/bust, get rich quick, customers as sacrifice, advertsing overload, the shit and shit and shit of quangos and old boy networks WASTING BILLIONS to maintain their inefective and sheltered lives. I mean check out the pensions industry, if there were ever a bunch of chinless incompetent fuchs, old names colluding with gov to keep backs scrtached and grandad public being forced to go that way and then wondering whether to heat his home or eat with whats left of the pension these guys frittered away on .com

any wisdom tortoise?

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Message 37/49             03-Dec-02  @  09:32 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


Posts: 7627

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corley is right...thats what it was SUPPOSED to be

but what is actually in practice is what cheddar's got goin...

scary, sad, sick world this.

make money. all else be damned.

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Message 38/49             03-Dec-02  @  11:14 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


Posts: 90

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Yeah bloody baby boomers!

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Message 39/49             03-Dec-02  @  11:32 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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be cool. ^

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Message 40/49             04-Dec-02  @  02:58 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


Posts: 6231

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well, it's got to be said.

doin it, doin it. pickin their nose and chewin it, chewin it.

aah, that's better.

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