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Subject: Do you do anything today?

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Nov-02  @  01:33 AM   -   Do you do anything today?



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Many of us have concerns for this and that, but never move to action. Voting is the very first step.

Heh, I even voted a democrat today (Justice Wells)

Shout out if you voted today.

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Message 31/51             07-Nov-02  @  08:17 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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anybody watch MadTV last saturday? (yeah, i kinda doubted it) They had a brilliant faux-debate where the two candidates just kept repeating each other's words verbatim. After a while, they started saying the same thing at the same time and were getting real pissed at one another. You had to see it, but it was perfect.


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Message 32/51             07-Nov-02  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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hehe.. sounds cool...

the tory party in the uk (thats like the republicans) are just as confused as shit because the labour party (democrats) have just co-opted their agenda entirely and wrapped it up in a bit of 'we really care' window dressing...

they are busy comitting collective suicide and the liberals (3rd party) could actually take over.. on account of them being more liberal than labour.. weird..

it is very funny watching them agree with each other.. doesn't really cut it in a supposedly adversarial politcal system...

'I agree!'

'I agree more!!'

'I agree even morer!!!!'

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Message 33/51             07-Nov-02  @  01:33 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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Yep, in OZ if you don't vote you get a $50 buck fine.

The idea with compulsory voting is to keep the lower-wage earner involved in politic's. I don't think a No Vote is telling, if you don't vote or don't get involved then it means they don't have to look after your interests, which is a real problem.

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Message 34/51             07-Nov-02  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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Another thing, if you do vote and you vote for an independant who has no chance of getting in, they get to choose their preferences. In the case of the green party, they can say to the demo's or the repub's "If you want our preferences then you need to pass legislation for government funding so that not just the rich get to run for government, etc..." So even tho the greens don't get in they do get given some power by your vote.

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Message 35/51             07-Nov-02  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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Say it again - Vote marginal, vote the major party that could win the seat, except everyone traditionally votes for the otehr majopr party. Keep them working to get your vote.

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Message 36/51             07-Nov-02  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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"yeah except some of the libertarians are all about big business"

sure...but they aren't about subsidising them with Tax payer money...which means they are more about true "free enterprise" and not about corporate welfare..which is where most of the problem lies....less gov't not more.


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Message 37/51             07-Nov-02  @  04:30 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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i was surprised by how many libertarians were on the ballots here in florida... ok, so they weren't a major factor in any national races, but in many of the state house and senate races, it was usually only one of the major parties (incumbent) against a libertarian. they didn't do too well, but as a half-republican, half-libertarian i was encouraged to see the third party system starting up.... average vote was around 20% for the libs in the races i saw, which isn't horrible...

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Message 38/51             08-Nov-02  @  02:53 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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Actually more governmental scrutiny may mean less corruption and therefore corporate welfare. (Enron, Worldcom).

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Message 39/51             08-Nov-02  @  03:20 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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nonsense. supposed to be "governmental scrutiny" in effect right now.

the government IS big corporation.

anyway...the libertarian thing...again, another ideology based on "ideals" but...sadly..the ethics required for a true libertarian system just arent there.

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Message 40/51             08-Nov-02  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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Bollox. The bigger things are the more they are corrupt or immoral, true. But the fundamental difference is that goverments answer to the people. (Public) Corporations answer to the shareholders who are usually wealthy, and today employee concern (and safety) is low on the corporate agenda. The problem is Big Corporates lobby the government heavily, so much so that politicians now appreciate that they have to appease the corporate sector to look after their own political careers and to avoid bad press.

I look around and see our generation getting screwed over by corporate greed, but this is not a new thing, its been around since the industrial age, just that it has regained momentum in the last 30 years.

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