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Subject: 60 Minutes does it again...

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Sep-02  @  04:08 PM   -   60 Minutes does it again...



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Well, be it known to the doubters that Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon are in fact funding Arafat's desire for genocide.

The American magazine show "60 Minutes" aired a 25 minute piece detailing the captured of the Ramallah compound's secret documents by Israeli Intelligence.

Iraq supplies oil to Arafat. He later then sells it to would-be buyers taking a cut off the top and returning the funds back to Iraq.

Iran supplies the military training and hardware, directing and dictating were the murderous bombings should be carried out.

hehe, Gore debated Bush and said Iran and Iraq have nothing to do with this...haha, what an lemming. He'd do better in Russia.

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Message 31/124             01-Oct-02  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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And we'd have to give england back to the Welsh for cris'sakes!

(sorry bedwyr)  

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Message 32/124             01-Oct-02  @  11:44 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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what makes you think we'd want it?

and it would only be bits of the north of england and a strip down the marches anyway. you still want catterick (catraeth) and oswestry (croesoswallt) ?

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Message 33/124             01-Oct-02  @  12:12 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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wow. its amazing what you miss out on when you're looking at the world through a 13" monitor.

i didn't even know the lounge existed until today......

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Message 34/124             01-Oct-02  @  12:19 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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again on the 'gods people..' i dunno, really how you can tiptoe around that w/o seeing it..

actually, sadly, i do.

formant, would you do us a favour and see if you can reach your 'brother' here and tell him just how erroneous that is? especially with the #&@%#$ capital g..

i dunno guys. i think they've got a crack squad on me to depress me. over at kvr some guy keeps insisting i 'have no knowledge of harmony, melody, chords' or be aware of 'what i'm musically saying' because i've not taken lessons and i got no backing from the community tellnig him he was up his own ass. and then this. i knew the species was fucked, but i thought we were beyond this wack blind level of opinion (i'd say thought, but...) seriously. fucking elders of zion. fuckers.

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Message 35/124             01-Oct-02  @  12:43 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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give us a link  

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Message 36/124             01-Oct-02  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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GT - please dont fackin patronise me, ok!

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Message 37/124             01-Oct-02  @  05:23 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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i am not getting into this one sorry :-)

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Message 38/124             01-Oct-02  @  05:40 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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Can't condone the idea of blowing people up... but there's a sound argument in that the Jews had been out of Israel for 2000 years. The Palestinians had been in Israel for 1600 years... (so long that many common Palestinians had NO IDEA the Jews ever lived there!) that's like 32 generations! In the same place.

Very frustrating to just be told you have to leave!!! It's just the kind of thing that even reasonable people might get angry about. Even gentle people might get furious... Even kind hearts might turn angry and loose their compassion for an oppressor that relentlessly pusshes them further into a hostile and unforgiving desert. Children might loose their heads and throw stones, FORCING well armed and responsible soldiers to gun them down cold... CHILDREN!!! And their parents, having lost everything, desperate and furious, might condone the suicide killings of their tormentors!


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Message 39/124             01-Oct-02  @  05:49 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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gee!.... d'ya think?!...

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Message 40/124             01-Oct-02  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


Posts: 2707

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Yes, what a fantastic idea that is, huh?

Let's take a people who've been living in this area for 1600 years, which coincidentally happens to be one of the most religiously significant areas of the world, and throw them out and move this other population of people in.

I'm a pacifist and that'd make me fight...


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