aaa Rave Act Passed in US - The lounge forums
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Subject: Rave Act Passed in US

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Apr-03  @  08:41 PM     Edit: 11-Apr-03  |  08:52 PM   -   Rave Act Passed in US


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Bush To Sign America’s Anti-Nightlife R.A.V.E. Act

America’s nightlife industry faces an uncertain future
this weekend, after Congress voted to approve the
puritanical RAVE act, meaning crack house laws will
now be applied to all concerts, clubs and music
festivals in the US.

“Property owners can be punished for any drug offence
that their customers commit - even if they work hard to
stop such offences,” warned the Drug Policy Alliance
just hours before the Bill was passed.

“This is likely to deter nightclub and stadium owners
from holding events.”

“Every musical style will be affected, including rock and
roll, Hip Hop, country and electronic music,” they

The bill was passed after Senator Joe Biden sneaked it
into an unrelated Child Abduction Prevention Act,
which allowed the RAVE act to become law without any
hearings, debates or even specific votes being taken by
Congress. Its incredibly draconian terms mean that if
just one person is caught smoking a joint at a public
gathering such as a club, party or concert, the
organisers and property owners can be jailed for 20

target="NEW">drug policy

(helping to save American club culture)

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Message 41/45             16-Apr-03  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


Posts: 2707

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No, it isn't.. Because the promoters aren't providing alcohol or drugs to their patrons. What this law says is that if somebody goes to the fucking opera, and they happen to somehow bust somebody with a joint, the people who own the opera house, and the people who promoted the opera can all be punished.

Of course this won't get applied to opera houses...

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Message 42/45             16-Apr-03  @  05:07 PM     Edit: 16-Apr-03  |  07:11 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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"Of course this won't get applied to opera houses..."

What not? I imagine, with the amount of drugs it takes me before I'll even consider watching/listening to that stuff, Opera houses would be filled with a veritable shipment of drugs :P



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Message 43/45             16-Apr-03  @  07:32 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


Posts: 118

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Don't be knockin' the opera man........ I take extreme offense to that! :P


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Message 44/45             16-Apr-03  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US


Posts: 673

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then they go backsatge

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Message 45/45             22-Apr-03  @  01:07 PM   -   RE: Rave Act Passed in US

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I can just picture pie eating tenor Luciano Pavrotti giving Domingo blow backs in the wings of the Royal Opera House. He may have a great voice, but if that Pavrotti came over to my house, opened up my fridge and starting eating all my pies I'd say OI PAVROTTI.. NO.

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