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Subject: everyones doing it!!!

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Nov-02  @  01:18 PM     Edit: 30-Nov-02  |  01:20 PM   -   everyones doing it!!!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I am starting to get very annoyed with all of the software piracy that is going on. Yesterday at my university, two of my lecturers were talking about where to find cracks for this and that, and I'm thinking, am I an idiot for paying??? I don't know if it is jealousy or what, but I have paid thousands, THOUSANDS!, for software (again, am I an idiot?), leaving me broke alot of the time, while so many people are just stealing and still have money to go out to clubs and have fun, and it really pisses me off to hear of people doing this.

This is part of the reason that Emagic moved to Apple, and badly affected users such as myself who have paid ALOT of money for this stuff. Don't get me wrong, I have no major moral hangups about it, but what happened to supporting those who provide you with the products that you use? I actually feel quite screwed over!

I'm sorry if it sounds like I am winging, I don't mean to. Any input from other paying users would be appreciated.



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Message 41/49             04-Dec-02  @  05:41 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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I do agree that the Cap. system does seem to be about what the market will bear. So? It dunna mean I agree with it. And afore anyone gets their knickers in a twist, I ain't got anything to suggest as a replacement... Well, maybe I want, so I take...?

Ayah, Ayah, Cthulhu Flaghn Azathoth....

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Message 42/49             04-Dec-02  @  07:35 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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Yeah, companies are allowed to do whatever they can to amass as much wealth as possible using "the invisible hand" as their only justification for the greed, yet when I want to "maximize" my personal wealth by not buying something I can get for free, I'm cheating the system! If the companies can get something for free and get away with it, you better damned well believe they're gonna do it!

Point is, greed sucks and we ALL have to get the fuck over it. Doing away with money would be a good start.


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Message 43/49             04-Dec-02  @  08:41 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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argh here he goes again

so do away with money, clothes, possessions, ALL OF IT, right?

its not the material thats bad, man. its the way people view it, and covet! THAT is what needs to be removed

it aint the arrows its the indian 

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Message 44/49             04-Dec-02  @  09:15 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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double standards abound.

I know this guy in the building industry and he tells me that they will target a ceratin supplier and the whole lot of them will order / contract heavy and then not pay. The guy/comapny goes down and they end up paying some small % of the bill to the creditors. They organised it, targeted it and benefitted from it.

But we, as Psy says we think about walking a mm from the line and some CCD perched behind a (completely safe) mobile phone antenna captures us and the computer spits out another fine

BAby boomers. Anyone thought about the effect of drug use on society as performed by 60's generation now in charge of their countries. I mean it's funny(?) to think that the fallout of a love society being what we see all over the western world.

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Message 45/49             04-Dec-02  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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Love, peace, and profit margin...

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Message 46/49             04-Dec-02  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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Influx, I don't think you're getting me here. I agree, money isn't the problem, it's how we view it.

There's nothing wrong with possesions. Aside from my belief that they're all illusions ultimately, but that's another topic. I'm talking about the accumulation of possesions, or wealth. Hoarding money. In other words, assessing your value as a person based on your wealth instead of your objective and practices. Now replace 'person' in that last sentence with 'business' and you describe the current state of capitalism. Yet somehow the "invisible hand" is supposed to guide us all to equilibrium. Now how the fuck is that supposed to happen while everyone's looking out for themselves??? No one thinks of themselves as a cog in the wheel anymore.

Money was invented to be used as a convenient exchange for needed goods. Instead of carrying a chicken around to barter, ya got a buck. Smaller pockets are invented.

Now, people see money as something to be hoarded and invested to make more of, and all that sort of shit that just ain't natural, goddammit!! Do away with that shit and people will start to see the real value of their possesions.

Just because it seems difficult doesn't mean it's preposterous. Hell, they did away with money in Star Trek!


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Message 47/49             04-Dec-02  @  09:39 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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didn't do away with fat, lecherous old men in corsets though did they?

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Message 48/49             04-Dec-02  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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fallout of a love society?

how many 'hippys' do you think really got anywhere, and how many do you think just added a new paintjob to their standard/assigned gig?

how the fuck many people grow a food garden near you? around here.. people got yards.. i don't see shit in them, except this really old french woman across the way, can barely move. got a little bamboo gazebo over her tomatos.

"i make em boys good wid da paaaans"

it IS the possessions. still.. so few people have a real inkling! HOW DOES THIS AFFECT - WHATEVER IT AFFECTS? where did it come from? what kind of experiences were produced by the process that got the constituent parts from their derivation to your table?

that's conscience - realisisng how we're connected, and you can sure as fuck bet that real material possessions come from real material places, and are usually assembled in real factories that produces real undesirable impact.

you think somehow your pleasure is more valid than a bunny's pain? i kick your teeth out.

the real problem with money is - well i gotta go to work right now! the other real problem is - well, to put it quickly, they oughtta put cows, not presidents on the front.

$5 = one rabbit. you just throttled six rabbits with your bare hands to take your girl to the movies huh.

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Message 49/49             04-Dec-02  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: everyones doing it!!!


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but then value moves doesn't it. Steers like an advertisers dream.

You import from advanced nation, you develop those products at home and the market moves everyone somewehere else so if you ain't cutting the tech you buying the tech - barriers to entry

How many versions of the white album you got, multi media = cycle of buying the same thing

laughing and laughing and laughing

Who said "hells empty all the deveils are up here?"

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