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Subject: Pay attention we're everywhere

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Original Message                 Date: 20-May-03  @  12:32 AM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  12:34 AM   -   Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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That's my bike (what's left of it) wedged so tight beneath that truck that when he pulled back into his lane he dragged my bike with him. This is what happens when a driver doesn't pay attention. I was no more than 30 feet in front of him when he proceeded to make a left hand turn across my lane. My bike is a total loss because someone wasn't keeping their eyes on the road. I limped away from it with a few injuries (so far) and hopefully only a week or so layed up but it could have been different in so many ways. Pay attention folks because motorcyclists are everywhere and, for the motorcyclist, there is no such thing as a minor accident.

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Message 41/70             21-May-03  @  07:18 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 6231

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fair enough..

as far as i'm concerned, it's just pretty evil to say "i'm here and i want to get there as fast as possible" without taking responsibility for everything you put your 'foot' on inbetween the two.

i can't wait to give up bike riding, stupid humans growing food THOUSANDS of miles away from their home... what the fuck are you thinking, people? "how to make life really suck?"

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Message 42/70             21-May-03  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 178

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Who says you have to go fast? I'd rather go in comfort....


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Message 43/70             22-May-03  @  12:14 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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get a winnebago

Wow, just look at that place. Much nicer than my apartment and probably a lot faster too. But really they're just homes for wasteful, fickle people.


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Message 44/70             22-May-03  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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2 wheel fools

168 mph 4 wheels loosing it to side winds, 3 lanes in no time at all

infran view is a cool rent free gig

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Message 45/70             22-May-03  @  02:42 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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ah... but a winnebago fitted out as a mobile studio! - now THAT'd be nice!

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Message 46/70             22-May-03  @  03:16 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 31

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test pic...

ever ride in the country with mates?

this box keeps you in touch, fits on the lid and you can listen to mp3's etc

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Message 47/70             22-May-03  @  03:25 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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does it properly size jpegs? ;)

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Message 48/70             22-May-03  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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Had a friend a few years back, travelled all over north america in a beautiful Airstream playing at parties and festivals... had a full on kit in that thing and solar energy!



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Message 49/70             22-May-03  @  03:47 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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psy, that's 1024/768 innit as k required

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Message 50/70             22-May-03  @  04:15 AM     Edit: 22-May-03  |  06:48 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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Nice bike K. Those old two strokes kicked butt.
I remember this kid in high school who had a Kawi Daytona 400 that dusted everything. Cats would come from all over South Dade county looking for
this guy to race him.

I think I'm going to look for an older BMW K
series for my next bike.

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