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Subject: Bloody yanks

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Apr-03  @  02:51 PM   -   Bloody yanks

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I know as individuals you are cool. But your government really are a bunch of cunts, and I wish I could be put in a ring with that Ronald Dumsfield. Looks like they wanna pick a fight with Syria now, are they mental or something ?

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Message 41/131             18-Apr-03  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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heh. but...see...EVERYONE thinks theyre smart! I live in SoCal and...the way these fucks...oh man the arrogance!!!!


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Message 42/131             18-Apr-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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What's 'socal'?

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Message 43/131             18-Apr-03  @  10:07 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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Southern California......

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Message 44/131             18-Apr-03  @  11:54 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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land of the fake, home of the shallow

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Message 45/131             19-Apr-03  @  12:49 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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enough of that anti-californian rhetoric influx!


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Message 46/131             19-Apr-03  @  05:57 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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heh. nah. you can bag on SoCal all you want

funny thing is...southern california is truly the epitome of American arrogance, self-centeredness and all that. the westward movement that ended (for the most part) with the settling of socal...its like its some sort of filter...a final destination for all that is lacking substance

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Message 47/131             19-Apr-03  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks



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goooo tooo saaaan frannnn cissscooo

sorry, couldn't resist


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Message 48/131             19-Apr-03  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


Posts: 7627

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shit. I shoulda extended my comment. SF is just as full of shit as LA is.

people think theyre special cuz they move to fuckin if its virtuous in and of itself. bah!

conclusion: cities suck 

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Message 49/131             19-Apr-03  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks



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Yeah, Influx, they do in California. You're dead right about both LA and SF. LA takes itself FAR too seriously, home of the SUV driving liberal. The people who have the luxury of pretending they can see beyond their blinders.

And dead on with SF, as well... I've tons of friends in SF, most are very cool. But every scene I've witnessed in the bay area is SOOOOO fuggin' full of itself! Like just because people manage to pay Exhorbitant rents, and still have a social life makes them superior! hehehe

No I love the people in SF as much as the city itself... but, man... you're definately on to something there!


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Message 50/131             19-Apr-03  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

H office


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Just to clarify, (they) being members of the Al Quaeda network, 15 Saudi Arabians and 4 Egyptians, purportedly working under the direction of Osama Bin Laden. I don't support Bush, Bin laden or any other of the multitude of wackos in power controlling our world today. I'm just observing all this crap from my bedroom on TV and find it hard to believe this is the planet I live on. What are we supposed to do. Vote, protest, pray, meditate. None of it seems to change things much. Who needs a drink?

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