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Subject: Human Rights Watch

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  06:54 PM   -   Human Rights Watch



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We're starting to get somewhere now...let justice be served on those knots in societies bowels.

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Message 41/79             05-Nov-02  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch



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Well guys I think we are agreeing on the same thing here, because I am certainly not suggesting that we "make out it never happened" rather what I am saying is learn from past mistakes. In 5000 or so years from now if us humans haven't messed the whole place up how do you think ppl will look? I believe that for the most part we will all look pretty much the same, years of evolution and mixing will mean that there will be no black, white, yellow etc and hopefully with the labels the hatred will disappear. If not then will ppl still be bickering over historic skirmishes, I for one hope not. Don't forget - racism - call it whatever you like - only exists because ppl let it and it is due to lack of education, ignorance and clinging to the past, well thats my take on it anyway.

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Message 42/79             05-Nov-02  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch



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yeah, ok, now you have replied in some other threads your stance is a bit clearer, but dont you think that taking that 'casual' approach of making light of it might be viewed by some people who GENUINELY beleive that these issues are crap, and this will just confirm their own predjudices cos they might not see the subtle sarcasm you say you were employing?

anyways... all I'm trying to do is bring a bit of sanity to the procedings before it gets out of hand... and at least it seems to have brought out some better responses and everyone is a bit clearer about peoples position. So that is cool

carry on...

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Message 43/79             05-Nov-02  @  06:16 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch



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Message 44/79             06-Nov-02  @  12:00 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Simple position: If you do much travelling in the world, you're bound to end up a "minority" at some point. Try it out, see how you like the fit.

Human "rights" are whatever those in power decide. They're not universl truths. I DO get tired of hearing people that keep "the fires burning" about things that happened a good ways in the past. I DO NOT have a problem with people speaking out about current injustices (just dunna go dragging history into it, cos history is just that - someone's STORY of how something went down - while sometimes accurate, it can sometimes be found to be woefully inaccurate...). If you have to justify your soapboxing by filling in with past injustices, no one will ever move forward... NO ONE.

I've had the shit kicked out of me on more than one occasion because of "who I am." That doesn't suddenly make it okay for me to bash a whole ethnic group because the folk that trashed me happened to follow something of the same creed/culture.... Sure I can if I want to, but to what end? I hate all rednecks cos they dunna like gypsies? I hate all blacks cos they dunna like whites? I hate all Italians cos they dunna like yokels? I hate all Texans cos they dunna like NAs? I hate all etc., etc. Ya see where that can go?

Race, creed, ethnicty... They're all "touchy" subjects... Why? I dunno really, but maybe it's because folks (on both sides) just won't let it go. I mean afterall, most of you fuckers ancestors spent a good deal of time chasing my folks off your land and calling us thieves and worse. So maybe I should hunt down all of you, eh?

Peace - and I do mean that.

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Message 45/79             06-Nov-02  @  01:24 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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youre "native american"?

or....youre talking about different ancestors and thieves and land stealing?

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Message 46/79             06-Nov-02  @  02:33 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Hardly, though according the the government, I have enuff "blood" in me to qualify me as such. Having lived with the NA folk a bit, I know I'm not native american....

I'm from gypsy stock, for what it's worth... an' that ain't much...=) Tinkers to be exact....

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Message 47/79             06-Nov-02  @  04:21 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Hey, I used to hang out with some tinkers, or 'diddicoy' they called themselves working on farms in kent, england. Guy called Nelson and his family.. they had this unbelievably immaculate caravan.. it was like a palace in there..

Those guys were tough as nails...


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Message 48/79             06-Nov-02  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Well, to be honest, our line might be diddicoy, too, but they like to claim Rom blood (why I dunno...), but there's enuff East European influence in our cant to maybe justify it. Still, there's no reason they couldn't have adopted that to suit them. Fugging gyps...=)

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Message 49/79             06-Nov-02  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Actually, I DO know why they like to claim Rom blood... it makes 'em more "important" in the grand scheme of all things gypsy. Thus, I suspect it's BS and we're probably just a bunch of lazy white trash that likes to move around, play music, steal shit, and claim that we're Rom. Lot more "respectable" than saying you're a dreg of society....

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Message 50/79             06-Nov-02  @  06:28 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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or a model...

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