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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 41/113             01-Jul-99  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Smoke Ganja and you'll find the response !


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Message 42/113             01-Jul-99  @  04:21 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Tell you what Ultimate Rasta you stick it in your ass,light it and i will attempt to use your intestines as a water pipe and suck the smoke out of your scrawny neck.

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Message 43/113             01-Jul-99  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

nice one


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Why do we do things
Is it action or reaction

why do we make strong responses
is it being heard or being afeard

do we feel at home with the homophobe
or do we dodge his domain

"70 million people there
where are they hiding"

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Message 44/113             02-Jul-99  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Here is a question, if drugs were legal (which i believe that marijuana is the only drug to be legalized) would there as much as there is. My answer to that is yes. When one drug become legal, then ppl will fight saying that if marijuana is legal, then this drug should be legal, so on, and so on. Basically the way drugh use in america is going that the goverment has no choice but to let it be illegal, however i do believe that marijuana is a great substance for ppl who are dying, AIDS, cancer...etc. But i say too much of one thing is always bad. Moderation is the key to the whole thing. I believe Music stars start drugs in moderation which i believe what helps with the creativity of music, but when they become famous they think they can do anything and start doing more drugs, thinking its going to help them its really hurting them. and when they get so fucked up that they cant think no more, they decide to kick the habit, well that is when their music sucks. not b/c they quit the habit, but b/c they did so much drugs in excess that their creaivity is gone.


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Message 45/113             02-Jul-99  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Listen, speaking for the USA at least, the framers of our constitution intended to create a country where people could do what they pleased with their lives. Who the fuck is the gov't or anyone else to tell me what to do? All I can say is that drug-related crime WILL drop if legalization occurs, because the economic factors which drive it will be removed. What happens to people after legalization is up to the individual, and that's the way it should be. I believe every person should have the right to do what they want with their own life, regardless of the consequences. It's not the government's job to protect stupid people from themselves. Not to sound cold or anything, but if we let all the stupid people kill themselves off, the world would be a better place.


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Message 46/113             02-Jul-99  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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some tidbits on the u.s.:

fact: crime increase dramatically during the 80's with the introduction of crack into the ghettos and general crackdown on drug sales (especially coke). why? it's cheap and everyone wants in on the profits. consequently, there's volleying for the market. with the crackdown, minorities are disprotionately affected. Roughly 17% of the drug users in the u.s. are people of color and yet they make up roughly 2/3 of those convicted for drug offenses. A majority of those convicted come from low income families. If we're concerned about drug USE in this country (or any country for that matter), why do we only go after the sellers. craig is right. as long as there is a demand, supply will develop. point is, our current policy unfairly affects a specific sector of our society while failing to address its cause.

that said, as a matter of policy, the residual costs (healthcare and quality of life) of large scale, free market drug legalization, imho, would prove problematic as well. i would propose the following: 1. reclassification of illicit drugs based primarily on potential for addiction and health effects with regular and/or sporadic use (this, of course, would entail an increase in size and breadth of the studies done on various substances to date) 2. outright legalization of those substances on par (as far as the above criteria are concerned) with alcohol (marijuana, etc.). 3. government controlled sales of the more "dangerous" substances, just like pharmacies now control medication, thus ensuring quality (less overdose), a resource for addicts trying to kick the habit and honest statistics on use. 4. profits from sales funneled into research, honest education (not some egg being fried in a griddle, "this is your brain on drugs" advert), and rehabilitation for addicts. and before anyone complains about a black market developing and circumventing the "fix" (pun intended), i have little doubt that a wide spread national program would be able to produce and sell at a much lower rate than the current ones (economies of scale).

This way, you allow for the free use of "lighter" drugs, experimentation with others, curtail crime related to the current illegal market, and provide resources for addicts in the process of quitting, all self funded by it's own sales. but hey, i'm not absolute dictator of the world, so who am i to start barking our orders.

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Message 47/113             02-Jul-99  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Hey P, why do you say they cracked down on coke? I would have to say that Mr. Regan (and his deluded wisdom) was trying to stop all "illicit" drugs from being produced\imported\grown in this country. Not just coke. Everything. Were you on the task force or something? Is there DEA tatooed on your ass or are you trying to start this off into a racial shit fling? Let's not shall we...

What was the result? Cocaine DROPPED in price (something in the order of 65% [8-Ball for $300 instead of $750]) and pot ROSE in price (something like 140% [$15 for an 8th to $30-$35 now]). Does that make sense? No I didn't think so. Did his war on drugs work? No. It has caused more problems than were forseen, it has caused BILLIONS to be wasted putting a few of the larger suppliers behind bars and hundreds of others either in prision for minor possessions or on parole which doesn't help them get through life with a record. To top things off, there were several who were on the task forces that just put the contraband in their trunk and went home for a party. Shit, doesn't seem like it worked...

I would have to agree with Craig in saying (summary) "Legalize the damn drugs. In a couple of years, the idiots (ie: those who cannot restrain themselves) will die off leaving the more responsible ones to get along with life." Even better, let the major companies supply clean drugs and have the government tax the stuff so it can pay off the damn deficit. It's just political bullshit and lobbying and GREED that keeps most of these drugs unavailable to those who need them (speaking here of cancer, AIDS, anorexics, spinal injuries etc...) and those who want them.

And don't think for a fuckin' minute that Phillip Morris and the other tobacco companies don't have a Spliff (pot and tobacco) formula ready to hit the shelves the minute that pot is legalized...

Remember DARE=Drugs Are Really Expensive


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Message 48/113             02-Jul-99  @  09:32 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

Rambling Madman


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Yup, I actually read somewhere some time ago that they really have marketing compaigns and stuff allready plotted out for the sale of a tobacco/pot mixture cigaret.

Something else to think about... figures of people who have tried pot in their lives is higher in the US where you can go to jail for it than in Holland, where you probably won't have to drive more than half an hour to find a coffeeshop.

When legalizing pot it would also be possible to control the quality, and then I'm not thinking about the strength but rather the purity. How the fuck would you know that the pot you just bought from that dealer doesn't have pesticides used by the grower all over it ? Or that he hasn't laced it with something ?

A lot of the drug-money is being recycled into the legal part of the economy. Do we really like people who are big-time drug-dealers to gain foot in legal corporations and businesses ?

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Message 49/113             03-Jul-99  @  03:35 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Hey, Sedusa even if you hate me for being such an ass for all of the shit i have done i could care less, i now think you are very cool for the statement above.



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Message 50/113             03-Jul-99  @  08:04 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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well in the words of the famous song.

"hey mr policeman you no like ganja-man, but a we bring the foreign currency pon the island"

there's no need for any more research, this thing has been researched right up it's own ass so many times it's ludicrous... and yes it's true, in a country like Holland where it is legal, younger people dont see weed as a daring thing to do, it's there, and most of 'em choose to not take it, just like in Spain or Germany... but on the TV all you see is some fat white overpaid bitch in a lab coat banging on about drugs and measuring weed out into testing containers like they are doing serious research or something.. what a fucking joke... i'd be-head the lot of them if i had my way...

like i said, it's purely political, legalised weed would give economic power to states the USA doesnt want to have power... as for drugs perse, 90% of the population IS on drugs anyways, if you include booze, ciggies valium & other tranq's and all the plethora of drugs people are on across the western world supplied via doctors & pharmacies... weed is just another tranq, and it's nowt more than politics that keeps it in the arena it is in... but to legalise something like crack or coke is insanity... sure weed has gone up, and the local 'no-concience' dealer faced with a purely business motivated equation obviously sees a greater profit margin in more destructive drugs.. THAT is why they are so prevalent, it is in the dealers interest to encourage people onto a product with a high dependancey rate & a faster turnover = greater profit..

personally, i agree with the more astute political brothers from Malcom-x to PE, who have long ago realised that it is in the dominant white societies interest to have the minorities addicted to drugs , be it booze, crack, religion or whatever... keeps them down... and hey, white kids get shot in Colarado, and we get it on OUR tv in the Uk, but i don't notice the same thing when a bunch of young brothers gets wasted in a drive-by ??!

sad world we live in to be sure... and sadder, the USA also influences the judicial systems & sentencing in other countries with which they are trading... to be sure, placing low-class-drugs in the same arena as other seriously bad drugs does bring the user into potential contact with those other more dangerous destructive drugs..... but then, when the US government gets some money to spend on the situation... does it go to shelters?.. does it go to rehab ?...does it go to spruce up inner cities & create better more productive lives for it's citizens??...??... no it goes to drug-enforcement agencies to buy nice new helicopters so they can fuck about all over south-america... and it goes to line the pockets of rich media advertising companies to produce shitty TV adverts that the kids just laff at anyways.... it's about as stoopid as putting a parental advisory sticker on a CD.. doing that merely stamps the Cd with the seal of must-have approval for kids... franly if i released an album in the USA, i'd open the 1st track with , "fuck fuck fuck" just to get the sticker, cos then it'd sell more cd's....

but then intelligent people were never meant to be a part of politics... and "Read my Lips - No new taxes !!" is now bringing forth it's inevitable fruits... you cant have a decent society without social education, decent conditions & at least a modicum of equality... and that requires that EVERYONE puts something into the pot in order to have a better society.... unfortunately, the white middle-classes think they can hide away from the consequences of their self-motivated greed-based voting, and THAT is what the government is there to supply, a shelter from the physical evidence of the results of their greed... they sit there gloating cos their house is worth another 200K this year, whilst others sleep in the street.. hah !!.. and they have the fucking nerve to hand you a bible to swear on when you go to court....

it's a sham of a mockery of a sham... but there it is... y'know, i have to say it.. i'll be fucking glad when the USA sorts itself out... then the rest of us can get back to sanity, can't you guys riot or something ??...

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