aaa 60 Minutes does it again... - The lounge forums
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Subject: 60 Minutes does it again...

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Sep-02  @  04:08 PM   -   60 Minutes does it again...



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Well, be it known to the doubters that Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon are in fact funding Arafat's desire for genocide.

The American magazine show "60 Minutes" aired a 25 minute piece detailing the captured of the Ramallah compound's secret documents by Israeli Intelligence.

Iraq supplies oil to Arafat. He later then sells it to would-be buyers taking a cut off the top and returning the funds back to Iraq.

Iran supplies the military training and hardware, directing and dictating were the murderous bombings should be carried out.

hehe, Gore debated Bush and said Iran and Iraq have nothing to do with this...haha, what an lemming. He'd do better in Russia.

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Message 41/124             01-Oct-02  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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But but.. they are 'God's people' !!!

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Message 42/124             01-Oct-02  @  07:39 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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ah-aaaah-aaah!!!... (clouds part, doves flap about, beams of sunlight spill down, Charlton Heston steps forward wearing NRA baseball cap)

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Message 43/124             01-Oct-02  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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hey btw... Mel Gibson is playing Jesus in a new movie out soon... er...

(cut to scene... Mel is riding up and down a line of Palestinians in robe and sandals... on an ass...)

"Some of you might die already!!... Some of you might be resettled!.. but would you... lying in your beds many years from now, trade all that for the chance to kick some Israeli ass!!?"


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Message 44/124             01-Oct-02  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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errata - ought to mention that most humans have kids when they're 15, not 50..  

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Message 45/124             01-Oct-02  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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I have seen those who argue make unrelated arguements in support of their position (ie: "Gods People"). I was deliberately conservative in stating the number of generations. Most humans can't go back 6 generations and show where their families lived (especially Americans)... I figured 32 was sufficient and it prevents debators from invalidating my comments on some frivolous grounds.


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Message 46/124             01-Oct-02  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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I, actually, have been personally chosen by God to nuke the entire rest of the human race on the grounds of mental insufficiency.

I'm currently trying to decide just when would be the most appropriate moment to press the button... any suggestions for a suitable date?

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Message 47/124             01-Oct-02  @  09:37 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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Right now would work for me.. The server at work's been down for 2 hours and I'm just about out of websites...


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Message 48/124             01-Oct-02  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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GT, it's not that i'm refuting the report -- that's irrelevant. i guess you've totally missed the point.

let's assume that [whoever] IS in fact funding 'terrorism' in some competing country. let's even say that the country's government topples as a result of [whoever]'s actions.

hell, let's even say that [whoever] is also building/has already built up a large nuclear arsenal.

the point, to me, is that it's the worst, most intollerable and dangerous form of stupidity for the US to claim that ANY of these actions are wrong or should be stoppped when the US itself has done the exact same things. just substitute [USA] in there and guess what... the statements are still valid/true.

yet another example of total bullshit: one of the candidates for the presidency (or prime minister or whatever) of germany had a staff member who compared the current political (and social) state/practises of the US to nazi germany. of course, the US ambassador and foreign minister etc. have a ing fit; but the points were valid.

there wasn't even a debate, it was like "how dare you call us nazis! we're the USA! the ing master race!" which is apparently the US way of refuting an argument. absolutely no counter-examples or attempt to justify _why_ exactly the comment was inappropriate... it was anti-US and that in itself IS apparently inappropriate.

see... you guys like to talk big about freedom of speech and privacy etc. but the chasm between theory and practise is ing mighty large.

i honestly beleive that if every living person in north america today simply ceased to exist, not only would the world/society be a better place but would have a MUCH better chance of actually improving with time and growing.


p.s: arguments based on god are also ing ridiculous. i really wish there was some kind of international court in which such disputes are arbitrated... i'd LOVE to see representatives for these violent religous factions defend their actions on the basis of god. or representatives for the US defend their actions on the basis of the supremacy of the US, for that matter.

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Message 49/124             01-Oct-02  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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Message 50/124             01-Oct-02  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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"i honestly beleive that if every living person in north america today simply ceased to exist, not only would the world/society be a better place but would have a MUCH better chance of actually improving with time and growing."

hmmmm.... so is that a nice pretty "cease to exist" or a violent, bloody mass death. 'Cause we would stink up the whole EARTH if we actually died all at once for you.



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