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Subject: Guitar Band Talk

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Oct-02  @  06:39 PM   -   Guitar Band Talk


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Was listening to Steve Lamaq on radio one for a change. They were talking about the current guitar band scene and discussing how it's an interesting time for guitar bands. Kinda like the late 80's cause all the labels (major and minor)A&R people are sitting in the front two rows at all these small gigs. Basically trying to find the next "Strokes" or "White Strips".

Apparently major labels are going back to the old school. Basically, trying to find bands and nuture them into the next "U2" or "REM". There's this band in Denmark (can't remember the name) and they were totally unknown out of their country. Even in their country they only played gigs and didn't ever record/release anything. Anyway, word spread and they've just been signed for a 7 figure sum.

The circle turns and now the labels are heavily into signing guitar bands. Its cool watching bands (I'm not a regular guitar gig attender) like Ash and The White Stripes though, cos there is always this strange kinda sexual tension going on between the male lead singers and the female guitarist/drummer. Its like go and rent a bloody room!

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Message 41/67             09-Oct-02  @  04:38 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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fuck him... what a letdown, he's lost it, sold out... c'mon man... fucking PEPSI!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 42/67             09-Oct-02  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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LOL @ K. :-)

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Message 43/67             09-Oct-02  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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"Is there any artist though that has maintained credibility in both music and marketing for the whole of their career?"

Madonna would have to come close. She's changed her look and sound a million times, but she's still "Madonna." And while she may be a pop whore, she alwyas was a pop whore so at least she's true to her image. I think most people would agree that she's done great things for pop music, whether they like her songs or not.


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Message 44/67             09-Oct-02  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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>> Is there any artist though that has
maintained credibility in both music and
marketing for the whole of their career?

sure there are.

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Message 45/67             09-Oct-02  @  05:21 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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Easy one.

Pink Floyd.

They gross MILLIONS on their tours.
And the new music is still top notch.
Division Bell was great... No DSOTM, but great.

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Message 46/67             09-Oct-02  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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i think they're the same way tho.. a marketing department who just happened to be skilled musicians..

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Message 47/67             09-Oct-02  @  08:50 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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Barry Manilow?

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Message 48/67             09-Oct-02  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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I'll vote for madonna. dont like her much but she's always done the same thing.

Floyd, too....

very few others. cant even think of any

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Message 49/67             09-Oct-02  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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Ozric Tentacles

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Message 50/67             10-Oct-02  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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well, I think there's a difference in an audience coming around to an artist's thing -- them becoming popular organically -- versus a band forming or changing to leech off a fad (i.e. creed clones, people who "go country" during peaks of popularity, etc). there's also the ones who remake themselves occasionally when they've perhaps taken a particular sound as far as they can without repeating themselves, y'know an update or a makeover, versus people who let the label mooks mold their image so that the marketing departments can "get behind it". sometimes what an artist's fans want is not experimentation or growth, but repetition of that thing that first caught their attention.

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