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Subject: shaun of the dead

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Original Message 1/6             18-Mar-06  @  10:36 AM   -   shaun of the dead


Posts: 1128

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Saw it for the first time last night round me mates'. Great film. Funny and clever. Best film I 've seen for a long while.

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Message 2/6             19-Mar-06  @  11:31 AM   -   RE: shaun of the dead


Posts: 1076

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I dunno, I loved Spaced so I was really looking forward to it, but SOTD left me feeling kind of flat. Like a lot was left on the cutting room floor or something.

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Message 3/6             19-Mar-06  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: shaun of the dead

The Moujik

Posts: 274

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"It's not hiphop, it's electro..." etc

I thought it was good too; nothing groundbreaking but certainly entertaining & well executed.

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Message 4/6             20-Mar-06  @  06:31 AM   -   RE: shaun of the dead


Posts: 686

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Huh? When browsing my g/f's brother's massive DVD collection, I have always passed on that one, deeming it as "probably sucky". Now I'll give it a view.

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Message 5/6             25-Mar-06  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: shaun of the dead


Posts: 7627

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clever movie

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Message 6/6             26-Mar-06  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: shaun of the dead


Posts: 4573

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Yeah it's pretty good. But movies that start out as a almost pure comedy then try to do some "real" horror, ending in humorless depression just seem kinda odd to me. But I still liked it mostly. Just a bit inconsistent in theme.

While on the subject of funny movies, it took me way too long to watch 40-yr-old virgin and I would be remiss if I didn't try to prevent the same fate for others. Watch it. Consistent, sustained laughter from beginning to end. Hard laughter. I would rate it among the funniest ever.

Saw wedding crashers right afterwards and didn't laugh once. Not... once.... It's a shame how some movies can ruin others like that.

Don't watch many movies these days

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