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Subject: deniro

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Apr-03  @  06:28 PM   -   FAvorite Lines



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So in these modern days of cheep thrills and overly production in everything, good flicks are few and far between. What I want to know is...

What is your favorite line from a movie, and what kind of relevance does it have for you, etc?

Ie. Mines gotta be Humnphery Bogart at the end of the Maltese Falcon, and he is asked about the statue in his hands, he says...

"This is the stuff dreams are made of?"

Why? Because ONLY Bogart could of said it.

btw. keep it simple

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Message 51/66             03-May-03  @  01:46 PM   -   RE: deniro


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"smells like sex in here"

Super Troopers

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Message 52/66             03-May-03  @  03:12 PM   -   RE: deniro


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" eager to play, yet so reluctant to admit it!"


because i think it is a deeper question than it seems: who
wants to play with evil, especially when you have got a


and by the way, you know what is getting irritating in
when some wise crack who is in trouble asks to some
fragile person, who has to do something really difficult,
heroic, disgustingly scary or otherwise:

"can u do that? do you think you can do that?"

with this really serious timbre and dito face.
i actually saw two movies starring samuel jackson where in
he asks this to a person. know what i mean? that is starting
to suck.

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Message 53/66             03-May-03  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: deniro


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""... but it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst ..." -Kevin Spacey, American Beauty

defintely most inspirational line I've ever received from a movie.

psy "

wasnt that...didnt the kid say that?

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Message 54/66             03-May-03  @  10:07 PM   -   RE: deniro


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you're completely right... Ricky it was. I was confusing that line with Spacey's lines at the end.... also very very good.


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Message 55/66             03-May-03  @  10:55 PM   -   RE: deniro


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someone sampled the Ricky stuff...when the bag is a breaks track...mighta been BLIM...cant remember...

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Message 56/66             04-May-03  @  05:09 PM   -   RE: deniro


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One of my fav lines is by Robert Deniro in "Ronin". A character asks Deniro "Have you ever killed anyone before?" Deniro replies "I hurt someones feelings once".

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Message 57/66             04-May-03  @  06:39 PM   -   RE: deniro

man called clay


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much kinder to just kill em sometimes.

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Message 58/66             04-May-03  @  07:24 PM   -   RE: deniro


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aww man ronin was the most overwrought testosterone movie i think Ive ever seen!

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Message 59/66             04-May-03  @  08:57 PM   -   RE: deniro


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are you all into it? i thought it was pretty average...

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Message 60/66             04-May-03  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: deniro


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comic book is awesome

watchmen, hmmmm

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