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Subject: Pay attention we're everywhere

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Original Message                 Date: 20-May-03  @  12:32 AM     Edit: 20-May-03  |  12:34 AM   -   Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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That's my bike (what's left of it) wedged so tight beneath that truck that when he pulled back into his lane he dragged my bike with him. This is what happens when a driver doesn't pay attention. I was no more than 30 feet in front of him when he proceeded to make a left hand turn across my lane. My bike is a total loss because someone wasn't keeping their eyes on the road. I limped away from it with a few injuries (so far) and hopefully only a week or so layed up but it could have been different in so many ways. Pay attention folks because motorcyclists are everywhere and, for the motorcyclist, there is no such thing as a minor accident.

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Message 51/70             22-May-03  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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Hey the DT logo is still formatted for 800. Don't be a 17"+ snob... it's not the DT way!  

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Message 52/70             23-May-03  @  01:26 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 12353

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er.. GT - are taking the fucking piss or what? - I already had to remove one pic cos it was too big or didn't you notice that.

Look... SOME of you might have whacking great screens, but MOST people dont and big images like that just push the screen over meaning you have to scroll left-right to READ the text


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 53/70             23-May-03  @  01:32 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 12353

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besides, if you're on a bike you shouldn't hear shit anyways except for the engine, that's how you judge your redline when riding - or do you like to keep looking at your tacho when zipping between traffic at 100mph?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 54/70             23-May-03  @  06:11 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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I'm on a true 17" flat screen with 1280x1024 and I have to scroll over now 'cause of that pic... it's a nifty pic, but annoying results...

I'm with K


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Message 55/70             24-May-03  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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don't mean to call you a liar, e, but you are not at 1280x1024 if you have to scroll for that picture. If so, something's wrong. It's only a bit over 8- or 900 pixels wide innit?


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Message 56/70             24-May-03  @  04:21 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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"zipping between traffic at 100mph"

Heh heh, motorcyclists have a name for those riders.

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Message 57/70             24-May-03  @  04:33 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 4573

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do tell, for us 4-wheel losers. We call them "dickheads".

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Message 58/70             24-May-03  @  04:45 AM     Edit: 24-May-03  |  05:11 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere


Posts: 1444

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I also like, "statistic".

Its the difference between riding with no
regard for your own safety or the safety

of others by riding outside of your abilities
and riding with a full understanding of
the risks, calculated and otherwise, and
accepting responsibility for yor actions.

I have broken the rules in the past with
full undrestanding of the potential
consequences. The difference is understanding
that what you're doing increases the

risk to yourself and accepting
for the outcome of your
actions. Putting innocent others at risk
because of one's riding is never

Squids usually don't live long, a few years
after they buy their fist bike they end up
in a casket.

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Message 59/70             24-May-03  @  11:11 AM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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k, you had me laughing my arse off! lol...but no, no piss taking on that, just a detail shot  . na k, that HJC Chatter box does audio well, I can hear that very well.

sorry guys, but i right clicked the pic and it said 1024/768. Do they still use less than a 19" monitor these days? *chuckle*

Actually, I'm VERY bored of street riding. We only wheelie on rural roads. Taking it to the track after I drop some stones.

Squid = no protective gear.

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Message 60/70             24-May-03  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Pay attention we're everywhere



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Well Christ on a bike, I'm not blind, do I really need to be able to read the frikkin fine-print on the box!

as for zipping around traffic at high speed camera's have put paid to that almost... i don't consider it dangerous myself, you make sure you pass between cars where it is impossible for them to pull across you because the adjascent lane is blocked by another car or line of cars... if you have to pass a car which COULD suddenly start to pull across to the next lane, you give it a wider berth - ah, I used to love going up/down park lane at 100mph in the old days heh heh

ironicaly, i never had crashes accept at lower speeds, like under 60mph.... but then, thank god, I never had a chain snap on me at high speed etc. If I had another kwak triple I'd definately put the lump in a better frame/forks and actual brakes that worked! - lol!

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