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Subject: Other peoples' theories

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Jun-03  @  03:38 AM     Edit: 19-Jun-03  |  05:07 AM   -   Other peoples' theories


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Message 51/122             17-Jun-03  @  01:06 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 6231

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first off, very funny that you should measure success by being acknowledged by others.. four star hotels? no thanks, i think i'd piss myself of excitement, mick!

sympathy.. well, i can't suss any other explanation why anyone would wish to assert that you've cogitative autonomy. why don't you go ask jesus to help you understand my posts.

such wonderful enduring tolerance for ignorance. i'd call it a dead giveaway, but well, psy wouldn't understand.

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Message 52/122             17-Jun-03  @  01:30 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 2082

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"why don't you go ask jesus to help you understand my posts."

My God, how's that like to think soooo highly of yourself. Must be way kewl mon. You rool, you do.

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Message 53/122             17-Jun-03  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 4573

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ooooh, it really burns you when someone calls you obtuse, dunnit? I understand you, xoxos (well, most of it), I just don't understand why...

From great contributor and friend of the community to bitter old grunt.... congratulations! By all means, keep telling ME how to be.

Maybe I'll just go read a book of other people's ideas and try to find enlightenment that way, because with my easy life and lemming-like brain, there's no way I'll ever understand any other way.

Stick to the synths, my friend, because your preaching has really gone downhill lately.

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Message 54/122             17-Jun-03  @  05:45 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 7627

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should I have said..what was that other word?

uh...the one we talked about

anyway...xoxos...Ive lost faith, man. Dunno where your anger at everyone comes from but maybe you should look IN instead of OUT so much

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Message 55/122             17-Jun-03  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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ohh you saucy sailors of self, visiting shores of sanity, wait a while while the turmoil, casts love down slay thee

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Message 56/122             17-Jun-03  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 6231

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well to be honest i was calculating that the people i was speaking to had a better grasp. i'm not really surprised at the reaction.. a little disappointed at your poor sportsmanship.. but it seems that those who have spoken are committed for life.

well make records for food then.. but don't be surprised if everything tastes a bit plasticy in your latter years. at least you'll have your 'good friends' to share the experience with.

there's no safety in numbers, only dull, dull cancer.

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Message 57/122             17-Jun-03  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 7627

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argh you so lost me.

make records for food? that would suck cuz I dont make any money 

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Message 58/122             17-Jun-03  @  08:15 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 4573

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ditto. I've never made shit off my music. prolly never will unless I ever get organized. Is that what this is all about?

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Message 59/122             17-Jun-03  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 7627

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well youre a fkin robot anyway, so why should we...wait..uh...

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Message 60/122             17-Jun-03  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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mmmmmmmmmmm Vinyl sandwich !!!

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