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Subject: Bloody yanks

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Apr-03  @  02:51 PM   -   Bloody yanks

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I know as individuals you are cool. But your government really are a bunch of cunts, and I wish I could be put in a ring with that Ronald Dumsfield. Looks like they wanna pick a fight with Syria now, are they mental or something ?

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Message 51/131             20-Apr-03  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

Def Z


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Influx - please don't think that SoCal is representative of the rest of the US.

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Message 52/131             20-Apr-03  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

man called clay


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totally stereotyping people in this region would be like stereotyping people of the east coast or iraq or england or germany or africa or anywhere. sure idiots abound. thank god they're spread somewhat evenly throughout the world....though there seems to be an extreme abundance of them particularly in washington dc and the texas area.

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Message 53/131             20-Apr-03  @  02:50 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


Posts: 7627

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I didnt say it was necessarily representative, but it does, in many ways represent what the US is all about. Try to deny it all you want holmes, but its true.

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Message 54/131             20-Apr-03  @  04:03 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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> Who needs a drink?
No thanks I got really sh*tfaced flying back to Oz over the pacific, 8 scotch & cokes, 4 beers, 2 wines. SARS has scared everybody away from Singapore, so it was more p*ss for me, thankyou British Airways I will never forget you.

I'm sorry but the hostess said she smelt alcohol on my breath but when I say I've only had 2 drinks I mean it, and turbalence can account for alot of stumbling around seen!

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Message 55/131             20-Apr-03  @  04:23 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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Message 56/131             20-Apr-03  @  12:59 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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"totally stereotyping people in this region would be like stereotyping people of the east coast or iraq or england or germany or africa or anywhere. sure idiots abound. thank god they're spread somewhat evenly throughout the world....though there seems to be an extreme abundance of them particularly in washington dc and the texas area. "

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Message 57/131             20-Apr-03  @  03:41 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

man called clay


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funny, eh??!!!....but that ain't's a well-known fact which can be documented vis-a-vis my study which i'm presenting to the danctech geopolitical survey committee this week.
the basis for my conclusions are purely scientific. easter quote for BJT>>> from horace (65-8BC):
no poem was ever written by a drinker of water.

but's true!

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Message 58/131             20-Apr-03  @  08:12 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

Defector z


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Influx - isn't it fairer (and truer) to say that it represents the WORST of what the US is about? I mean, spend some time in the midwest and down south, and you might be hard pressed to find a group of people like those in SoCal. I expect SoCal to be a charicature...

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Message 59/131             20-Apr-03  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


Posts: 7627

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well, homey...a caricature is accurate. a caricature takes existing aspects and inflates them

we are technically agreeing. Youd have to read my Undergrad thesis to understand what Im gettin at but I spent a LOT of time studyin this stuff...

Im not claiming that a guy in Fargo and a guy in Newport Beach are identical

what I am saying is that Southern California is...a culmination...of pretty much everything america stands for. Greed, shallowness, superficiality, selfishness..

BAH! you say. well, sorry my man but for the most part that IS the heart of america, and yes it is horribly inflated here.

there are good things that are accentuated as well. A desire to achieve (what? ), adventurousness, physicality, creativity (believe it or not there are certainly people doing neat things here )

you can argue til youre blue in the face but...if you just look at the history of westward expansion...where does it end? California. and SoCal is the amalgamation of all that movement.

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Message 60/131             20-Apr-03  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: Bloody yanks

man called clay


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we are everything good and bad about america> but, more than anyone else, due to our geo-climatic
good-fortune....we are perhaps the most spoiled people in the word.
words like narcissism and vanity certainly come to mind. gee...i'm on the inside...i get to help build these magnificent houses. oh, the things we become.
and somehow i like these houses.....and yet i certainly have no mind to need something so giant for myself. and then i think of those places where having chicken is a luxury.

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