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Subject: Number 5 has arrived.

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Original Message                 Date: 10-Mar-03  @  12:24 AM   -   Number 5 has arrived.


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9th of March a baby boy(after 4 girls).Mother and child doing fine.

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Message 51/80             29-Mar-03  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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Since when did I say I hate myself? I don't believe I used the word hate anywhere in there.

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Message 52/80             29-Mar-03  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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Aside from which, I don't consider myself human - mutant, more like. xoxos, pongoid, sitar, also mutants. Human is the state you are in before you mutate - and it's not up to you whether or not you do mutate, it's really not, so all attempts at it really just don't work out. I don't much assoicate with humans.

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Message 53/80             29-Mar-03  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

man called clay


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Message 54/80             29-Mar-03  @  04:34 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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you know he's got a point a world so horribly over-populated it is a bit selfish to have kids!

not tryin to dig at anyone in particular, but I just know of way too many people who have children as if its their rightinstead of a privilege.

most of em just keep crankin out scarred psyches from the getgo, perpetuating the cycle of pain. So very few people are truly capable of doing whats right it seems, and they just have kids becuase youre "supposed to"

really is sickening.

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Message 55/80             29-Mar-03  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

man called clay


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yes....i understand the point which WAS made.
it's just at times.....when it's's okay to say merry christmas and goodwill towards men.....and when people like my neighbors tyrese and keesha finally get their boy after 4's okay to happy. we are all cretin parasites....sure> and the earth provides what it is able to and yes...if we are unwise we will drive ourselves to a much-deserved extinction. i was just noticing i haven't seen any brontosaurus lately.
this could easily happen.
perhaps we are not simple animals but we sure are stupid sometimes.

it's all a matter of how we distribute our resources.
now def z...get happy and break out those bricks.

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Message 56/80             29-Mar-03  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

man called clay


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ooops...stupid me....pict...those bricks!
and quick!

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Message 57/80             29-Mar-03  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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a few years ago i recorded a 6 hour special on nova and it said that humans have the unique ability to forego the instinct.

you see, this is the volatile thing here.. us mutant monsters, oh horrible, some call us.. the artificial intelligence.. autoredacts, A.R... we choose what we want to be. too many arms? why do you fear too many arms??

you need to watch all the severed heads videos! those big disks with the hands.. everybody meet *my* maker, maker, maker, maker...

oh yes sex is an inescapable instinct. so is buying fast food and shiny cars and suffering from ailments you need expensive medication for, if you believe the controllers.

that's why you make me so sick, getting in my face. aren't you aware that sexual promiscuity is always artificially accelerated in fascist states?

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Message 58/80             29-Mar-03  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

man called clay


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xoxos...i heard you were cool.

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Message 59/80             29-Mar-03  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.


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true that its "nicer" to just say CONGRATS!

you know...fact of the matter is..pict...FARM, right?

you need as many bodies as you can get! a solid reason for havin kids.

not like its my job to say yes or no.

so..congrats pict, congrats Darin, and anyone else that has the balls to bring a kid into this world

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Message 60/80             29-Mar-03  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Number 5 has arrived.

Def Z


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Thanks guys for the kind words.

However, let's make sure that we make a distinction people who procreate responsibly, and those who procreate because a condom is uncomfortable, because we think it is a good way to keep a man (if you're female), or because it's another check from welfare.

I don't think nobody was having a dig. For all his bluster, I respect the man for thinking differently from the conventional wisdom. I know PLENTY of people who CHOOSE not to procreate, and good for them. There are too many people with kids out there who don't want them, and aren't dedicated to them. If more parents were dedicated to their childs development, we wouldn't have many of the social problems that we have.

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