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Subject: Would YOU sell a track to POP?

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Oct-02  @  08:39 PM   -   Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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So I'm doin' little today, and thought I'd stir the pot!

Screw politics, religion and other coffee house banter... Here's one to really get your feet muddy.

Would you sell a track to Britney, Christina N'Sync et al... ???

Come on kids, fess up. $50,000 for a 5 minute fluff number filled with "Philly Hits" and one note bass lines...


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Message 51/73             31-Oct-02  @  01:55 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Because i wanna be a rich hardass who spends money on shit i don't need. but the real point i'm tryign to get across is that alot of people find it hard to turn down that much money - no matter what your status is. I mean if you already earned your credits - you may reject but if you are one of the little hard working ppl in the business trying to get heard - this could be your way out even if it leads you in a different direction. And the reason i mentioned 2k chair is b/c a friend recently talked about getting one when she digs up the cash. Some type of artsy type of shit.

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Message 52/73             31-Oct-02  @  02:17 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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earning money is one thing...and we all need to do it NO doubt! Gotta eat, gotta have shelter, nice to play around some times.

but its the $2000 chair that gets me. So incredibly unnecessary yet people think they need this sort of shit...

its a vicious cycle. spend more, need more, spend more...and it just keeps goin on and on and on

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Message 53/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:40 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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well it's all relative innit?

I'm sure nearly everything I spend money on looks like mindless self-indulgence to someone in the third world who's watching his family starve to death...

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Message 54/73             31-Oct-02  @  10:00 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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this is true, too.

but...gluttony is not relative. it is clearly evident when present, no?

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Message 55/73             31-Oct-02  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Message 56/73             31-Oct-02  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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really. you honestly dont think so?

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Message 57/73             31-Oct-02  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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i do think so. Zazza's right. And it's gluttony to people in India that americans have such a varied diet. But this is known to be healthy (not the way americans do it, I'll grant...)

And to a family that is concerned about where food is coming from tomorrow, the free time we have to post conjecture about them is obscene!! But we do have it, it's a luxury and we should be thankful for it! But it is relative. The $2000 chair in and of itself is just a chair. If you've sold your ideals, and notions of right and wrong! Acted out of character for the sake of a $2000 chair... well i'd call that gluttony. If yuo act out of character for a head of lettuce to feed your children, I'd call it necessity!

Is the $2000 chair gluttonous at Bill Gates' house? Not really... He is obscenely wealthy, but he also see's his wealth as a responsibilty! His Gates Foundation Doles out a billion dollars a year! Now, he still lives quite comfortably, and perhaps he simply has a case of Noblesse Oblige... but if he were on equal financial footing with the rest of us, where do you suppose that Billion dollars would otherwise be going?


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Message 58/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?



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Well its really the reason why you want the chair. Is it so you can show off your wealth or did you buy it to sit in it to feel how it feels to sit in a 2000 dollar chair.

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Message 59/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:16 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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sorry but a $50 chair works just as well.

we're definitely spoiled here, but not everything that is above the "bare necessities" is gluttony

best to look up the definition first. and yes, it is clearly visible when observed

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Message 60/73             31-Oct-02  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Would YOU sell a track to POP?


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Well I did look it up:


Excess in eating or drinking.

So yes, I guess there is an easily defined threshold of gluttony, which is that which goes beyond what is necessary to maintain your health.

I think most Americans, even the thin healthy ones, probably do this on a regular basis. People are out of touch with their bodies' needs.


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