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Subject: Human Rights Watch

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  06:54 PM   -   Human Rights Watch



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We're starting to get somewhere now...let justice be served on those knots in societies bowels.

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Message 51/79             06-Nov-02  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Preach on brother psylichon! =)

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Message 52/79             06-Nov-02  @  10:51 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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so a gypsy eh?

Rom = Romanian?

model? lost me.

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Message 53/79             06-Nov-02  @  11:33 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch



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heh, I used to work and hang out with (drinking time) Big Bill Calloway from the Calloway family - Bigtime true gypsies. he was one wild guy, 28 stone, jet back hair like japanese, no body hair, totaly white skin. Pure breed mate - he was wild... Funny thing was it turned out he knew my grannies man, cos he was a well known scrappie & character in devon. Small world.

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Message 54/79             06-Nov-02  @  12:22 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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rom = romany

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Message 55/79             06-Nov-02  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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you have gypsies in america? wow, never thought about it. dunno why, seems logical.

i saw this great docu on tv once about tzar of romanian gypsys (apparently they do have one. i know they have dukes and such, but this guy was the top numero uno) travelling with his crew to india to find their ancestors. it was magical, better than LOTR if you ask me: they travelled by bus and train all the way across asia finding gypsy hospitality along the way. when they arrived to india the raja of the province where the gypsies originate from accepted them to his pallace and threw a ball for them. our romanian guy decided this cannot be his ancestors because they are rich and well educated and all, so in the end they went on and found some asketic(sp) nomads in the desert to embrace. they shared dances, knowledge etc... true story. well funny.

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Message 56/79             06-Nov-02  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch



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tinkers aren't strictly gypies though milan,
similar lifestyle and that but not the same

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Message 57/79             06-Nov-02  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Message 58/79             06-Nov-02  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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tinker, tailor, soldier, spy

bleedin' new age travellers.. how dare they not want to live in a house..

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Message 59/79             06-Nov-02  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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we saw a likkle gypsy wagon gonig down the salt river canyon.. (out here in arizona) must've taken all day on the switchbacks. big canyon!

for u.s. folks.. when i was kid in u.k. i asked why all the farmer fields have these trenches dug around them.. to keep tinkers from camping their wagons on the fields.. now that's a LOT of fields and a lot of trenches!

it's funny. u.s. people are supposedly the most diverse but y'all blend into this one big, anemic commercial controlled culture that has absolutely no clue about how different cultures really interact.

another funny thing i was thinking of.. you go into any village in u.k. (and the next one 1/3 mile down road) and you'll find a monument (well two) in the square with a list of names on it.

now HERE you go to washington d.c. you can see a big old wall if you like, but noospherically, it's "up there, in d.c. with all the other important crap" not right in your hometown, part of your daily life, with surnames of your friends on it. unreal.

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Message 60/79             06-Nov-02  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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nonsense. there are war memorials in many states, dude. even city-specific ones.

come now, xoxos. youre goin overboard yet again with the all americans suck thing.

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