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Subject: Drug Addicts...

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jun-99  @  07:15 AM   -   Drug Addicts...



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Not too be a freak but has anyone noticed that alot of influential musicians,
were drug addicts. I'm not going to go on the long list of artists that were or
are drug addicts that made some good shit. But i just think its kinda funy.
Thats it.


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Message 51/113             03-Jul-99  @  10:42 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Eh, riot? They tried that in the 60's and again in LA awhile back. It didna work... makes for good TV for a spell though. Naw , over here there's too many weekend warriors who want to go kick some protester/ethnic/drug using/just wanna be left alone ass, just to get to deck out in their BDUs and wave their dic... I mean guns around.

Seize the media, now that might work. Hit the people where they live, in their TVs/computers/radios/etc. Ya start fucking with that ye might actually get some attention. Long live the Resistance!!! Or the Revolution!!! Or sumthin' like that anyway, I canna remember right now. I saw it in a on the! It was the radio.... Aw fuck, more likely it was at the bottom of a toilet that I had just heaved me groceries into.

Peace Out

yer ever pacifistic Mindspawn

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Message 52/113             03-Jul-99  @  02:55 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Drugs have been used without problems since before man became Cro Magnon.
Any initiative to stifle this creativity can only ever be a short term measure.
Those who fail to recognize this fundamental fact have no future in evolutionary terms.
Government as we see it portrayed today by the clowns that are politicians is simply an Anachronism.
I hope you are all putting out this via your music.

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Message 53/113             03-Jul-99  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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well im going to see carl cox, josh wink and bad boy bill tonite. and if you told me i wasn't allowed to have any drugs then i would be very unhappy. not quite sure what that says about me....i'll leave that up to you people to figure out. higher state here i come
: )

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Message 54/113             04-Jul-99  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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No one really wants to one really wants to die...and so we complain constantly about the state of our lives. Drugs, music, art in general including telivision and movies....its all an escape, when one is excessively involved with any of those things it can take over you life and ruin it....but in moderation....each can be a healing or
what not....or something....baaaa....whatever

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Message 55/113             05-Jul-99  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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Driving half an hour (by car?) to find some pot in Holland??,
By that time you would have ended up in either Germany or Belgium and it would be a lot harder to find some.
Better take the bike (if it's not stolen) and pedal for 5 minutes into town centre. There must be at least 20 places here in Groningen were they sell it. Also we have 4 so called 'grow shops' who specialize in stuff like seeds, computer controlled nutrient dispensers, natrium lighting etc. All the stuff needed for the successfull 'homegrower'. By the way pot is - not legal - here, the police just has no priority nor capacity to do something about it. Suplying the coffeeshops is still very illegal.
(That rather hypocritical isnt't it)

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Message 56/113             05-Jul-99  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...

Rambling Madman


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Henk, I was just talking max. time here, I don't live in Holland myself (although sometimes I wished I did, my current nation-of-residence is becoming uncomfortable) and even for me it's only half an hour drive to da nice shop with da happy smell...

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Message 57/113             06-Jul-99  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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the wierdest thing across the whole debate is that for example ... you go to court, they call a ballistics expert, or a traffic accident expert to testify about the bullet marks, skid marks, crash positions etc ... in all areas the experts, the ones with the most exoperience are called for an opinion...... But with drugs, those people are the only ones EXCLUDED from the debate !!... and all youve got is a bunch of middle-aged politicians & so-called scientists running around babbling these theories... so wierd !... i think that is the biggest problem with bringing the whole issue into the arena for some reasonable public debate.....

really it is down to education... even with hard drugs i'd never recommend or condone in a million years.... i've had under-educated mates who were junkies.. and even stole from their own fucking housemates... & conversely ive had brainy mates who held down corportate jobs whilst being addicts... so there you are...

what i find even more hilarious, yet just an example of the stoopidity of humans, is that they cant seem to realise... whatever they WANT.. the politicians do it... just look around at all of them U-turning all over the shop to bring themselves inline with whatever is popular public opinion...where 3 years ago, or in the previous adminisrations term, they were vehemently agains something... a few months later they are in power... and suddenly they are FOR it... cos that is popular opinion dictating they should support it...

look whats happened with GM foods and that area in just a few months... it's gone from indifference to the Govt having to actually reverse policy... sorted !!!.... now, if people wanted it.... they could have all politicians forced to go to work dressed as count fucking dracula !!... with a cape, fangs, the lot !! :-)... and the parties would be scrabbling to comply to get votes ....... but people seem to be too stoopid to realise this important factor... if they organised themselves on a community level, they could get ANY damned thing they wanted... AND FAST !!...... sad huh that rather than do that, people organise themselves into fragmented clans/packs and end up with nothing .....still, that is the norm in animal behaviour....

another interesting point... just as the USA dictates and leans on foriegn governments over recreational drug issues... it's the same with food drugs... right now the USA has all the head seats in the european food council or whatever they are called.. they also have the two head scientific places, and they are leaning on european countries to have all sorts of drugs passed and introduced into our foodchain by using trade muscle to bully it in..... it's well underhand... like they want us to use a drug for cows which is in all the milk in the USA, (did you guys know that even ?.. it's been in your milk for 6 years now..!!)..It's a hormone drug from a US corporation, and it has been prooven to significantly increase tumor growth & other nasty things... interesting huh??.... i guess also, apart from other issues, US drugs companies stand to make billions from prescribed non-agricultural pharmacuticals, like tranq's, happy-drugs, anti-depressents etc... there must be a huge market in it...

a mate of mine just flipped a year back, and she was even sectioned for a few days... well, they pumped this drug in her after she collapsed... and she became like a fucking zombie !... i was freaked cos she just sat there for months, didnt move, didnt eat, and went down to like 5.5 stone (14lb to a stone- 2.2 kilo's to a lb... er...about 60 kilo's ??)... .. She said she was shocked when she got sectioned cos all the people in there she said were so young !!!..... like a massive bunch of young people locked up and drugged.... !!!!... wild !... she thought it's be all oldies in there pottering around in slippers....

right now over in the uk, the latest craze the drug companies have wheezed up is to pray on the uneducated fears of mothers after several outbreaks of food poisoning .... there's a rash of 'anti-bacterial' kitchen cleaners and soaps flooding the market....each one proclaims in tones more usually associated with hardcore action-movie video trailers, that the product will: "wipe out e-coli & listeria" .... hahahah... you gotta laff or youd weep...... well correct me if i'm wrong, but i was educated to beleive the body had this thing called the immune system that requires samples of bacteria to create an immunity... so quite what that means for kids brought up under that level of paranoid cleanliness in the future i dunno...,.. anyways... all that crap is going into the water chain... and it's bacteria that breaks down organic matter surely??... and i doubt the chemicals they add into the water that way go round going - "aha !! E-coli bacteria !!.. (pounce) !!... doh !!.. that's just some crappy breakdown-bacteria, i'll leave that one"..... so what the fuck !!!??...

yup..... there's HUGE money in drugs/pharmecuticals/agricuticals& agrichemicals/booze & tobbacco..... see... it's just fucking 'DRUG-WARS'..... one lot of barons against the others..... May the farce be with you !!...

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Message 58/113             06-Jul-99  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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Fair play

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Message 59/113             06-Jul-99  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...


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I am now on day 6 of my stop smoking blow campaign (temporary), and my musical output has been steadily rising.

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Message 60/113             06-Jul-99  @  12:36 PM   -   RE: Drug Addicts...



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You know, reading through a couple of these letters, alot of you bring up, "strength in moderation." Well ok. Let's say we put three people into a room. These three people are all going to try Coke for the first time. They have all been told by you guys, "Hey have fun....Just remember, Strength in moderation." Now honestly speaking people, the second that you inhale that shit, your playing with fire. You never ever know how much your going to like it. It's really not about self controll, loving yourself, or any of that bullshit. It's simply about experiencing something different, to take you away, or modify how your feeling already. Basically your playing russian roulet with a possible affliction. Bottom line, no two people will ever have the same experience. I dare any of you to say the whole "strength in moderation" bit to someone you really love and care deeply about. Would any of you actually want your son, daughter, mother, father, brother, or lover, even setting foot in that world? I really hope not! There's got to be more to life than that..........

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