aaa 60 Minutes does it again... - The lounge forums
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Subject: 60 Minutes does it again...

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Sep-02  @  04:08 PM   -   60 Minutes does it again...



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Well, be it known to the doubters that Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon are in fact funding Arafat's desire for genocide.

The American magazine show "60 Minutes" aired a 25 minute piece detailing the captured of the Ramallah compound's secret documents by Israeli Intelligence.

Iraq supplies oil to Arafat. He later then sells it to would-be buyers taking a cut off the top and returning the funds back to Iraq.

Iran supplies the military training and hardware, directing and dictating were the murderous bombings should be carried out.

hehe, Gore debated Bush and said Iran and Iraq have nothing to do with this...haha, what an lemming. He'd do better in Russia.

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Message 51/124             02-Oct-02  @  12:04 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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good point, but maybe we could send all the dead bodies to somewhere in space? Or we could freeze them and put them on the northpole.. it wouldn't stink there (because they would be frozen). Another suggestion would be to chop them up, pack them in little packages and send them as aid to suffering people. On the latter one.. the northpoel could be a great place for storage for these aidpacks.

There is always an answer.. hehehe

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Message 52/124             02-Oct-02  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


Posts: 6231

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now you fuckers are beginning to talk! c'mon, e, own up, it'd be worth it and you know it.

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Message 53/124             02-Oct-02  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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i think proximus is onto something!

i didn't say die.. just... cease to exist.

what we should do maybe is really ramp up the space program; then it's golgafrincham time.

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Message 54/124             02-Oct-02  @  12:22 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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I'll agree if first our bodies are stored at the North Pole and then we are dropped into starving countries still frozen. Like live action "missile attack"... frozen human body parts falling from the sky.

"Starving child killed when hit on head by frozen American penis" ... HA HA!!! I'd die for that!


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Message 55/124             02-Oct-02  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


Posts: 1502

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Well, I must take off my hat to you americans and give you total respect, willing as you are to die en masse simply to cause the surreal and pointless death of a single innocent foreign national.

*bows deeply*


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Message 56/124             02-Oct-02  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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beats living the sloppy, fat existence we do at the expense of whole cultures of foreign nationals, right?

One day, jack booted thugs with little silhouets of Texas embroidered on their caps will kick in my front door and drag me screaming from my family.

Perhaps becoming an ex-patriate has some merit... Besides which, they like my music EVERYWHERE more than they like it here!


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Message 57/124             02-Oct-02  @  01:22 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


Posts: 7627

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"i honestly beleive that if every living person in north america today simply ceased to exist, not only would the world/society be a better place but would have a MUCH better chance of actually improving with time and growing. "

you know what, man. AGAIN, FCK YOU.

and your stupid ing knowitall bullshit. Are you forgetting that you live in "North America"? you had said that to me in person I woulda popped you one. We're not all stupid, we're not all gluttonous, we're not all socially inept or unaware, and there are MANY of us here in America who's eyes are opening further and further the the realities

Doesnt anyone else get tired of hearing this shit from this guy? HOW IGNORANT ARE YOU that you can make such stupid sweeping comments?


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Message 58/124             02-Oct-02  @  01:45 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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hi. i from polska.

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Message 59/124             02-Oct-02  @  02:26 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...

Def Z


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Why would you want all of the Canadians, Mexican's, Inuit's, etc. to cease to exist? They never hurt noone... That's a meanspirited comment that is not helpful.

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Message 60/124             02-Oct-02  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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soon you'll all be slaves hehahahhahaha

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