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Subject: Other peoples' theories

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Jun-03  @  03:38 AM     Edit: 19-Jun-03  |  05:07 AM   -   Other peoples' theories


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Message 61/122             17-Jun-03  @  11:30 PM     Edit: 19-Jun-03  |  05:22 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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Poof Daddy-O

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Message 62/122             18-Jun-03  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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Tell that to the Elf hunters in Iceland.

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Message 63/122             18-Jun-03  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories



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A little disapointed? LOL... that's great. I do not think you ARE surprised, nor disappointed. Your comments are often filled with fire and brimstone, doomsayer and hopefull evolver wrapped up in one.

Come on guys, in one breath you say you have him figured out... in the next you say he makes no sense.

I admit, I have to think a bit when I read xoxos posts, but they're not so cryptic as all that! Whether you agree with the point, or the man making it, it isn't soooo hard to make out!

I have been known to post like a bastard, and to respond to bastards as well... but no matter the level of vitriol, there's always a bit of comedy in reading xoxos that lightens the bullsh+t. Lately, it's a high and mighty delivery that looks down from an Ivory Tower, moreso than in the past... We've seen a few of us DT regulars slide that way lately... maybe it's the wars, the alignment of the stars, a sense of helplessness in the face os so much that we disagree with! I dunno... but hey, I can say:

Chill the F+ck out, a bit!

No matter who you are, getting pissed at everything isn't WHAT you are?


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Message 64/122             18-Jun-03  @  12:40 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories



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Jesus, i just read that!

I sound like a fuggin' hippie... just ignore me!!!


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Message 65/122             18-Jun-03  @  12:48 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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fuggin hippie

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Message 66/122             18-Jun-03  @  01:29 AM     Edit: 19-Jun-03  |  05:23 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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Poofdiddydingadong gone

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Message 67/122             18-Jun-03  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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hey, i'm just trying to figure out why I suck so much.

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Message 68/122             18-Jun-03  @  02:17 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories



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E speaks the truth- it is funny how some peeps have gotten a bit harsh recently, no names but if you type in the search box and read some of there posts from a year or two back they seem like COMPLETELY different peeps. Not claiming to 'know' anybody from this site, and I reckon yer all cool in yer own special ways anyhow.


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Message 69/122             18-Jun-03  @  08:04 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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aah, but you have to read mick and influx's 'provocative' rebuttals between the lines as well, and when you do that, it gets a bit scary, goes back to the wozzups with clay.

love-crafting.. *sigh*.. it always starts with discovery of some stagnant vector of humanity, grovelling before the elder gods or evolving into horrid loathsome fish-men, and it always ends in gibbering madness, words powerlessly.. trailing.. down the page.. no.. the light.. must stop.. the barking.. that hideous yapping..

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Message 70/122             18-Jun-03  @  10:13 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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"aah, but you have to read mick and influx's 'provocative' rebuttals between the lines as well, and when you do that, it gets a bit scary, goes back to the wozzups with clay."

Im not clever enough to put things between the lines, bro.

you come off like a dick sometimes. pure and simple. So do I but you...its just different

Id still like to have that beer with you at some point, but Im just curious why the venom-level has gone up so much?

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