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Subject: Human Rights Watch

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  06:54 PM   -   Human Rights Watch



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We're starting to get somewhere now...let justice be served on those knots in societies bowels.

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Message 61/79             06-Nov-02  @  09:57 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Ayup - the town where I reside, Winchester, MA, has it's own war memorial. They're fair proud of it too.

In the US, there's gypsy folk like the travellers, which oft get a bad rap even from other gypsies. Point I was trying to make, and maybe I did in a round about way, is even the "lowest common denominator" in our society (whoever they may be) tends to try and jack up where they belong in the social strata... i.e., I'm gypsy, but I'm Rom, not just any old gypsy....

Like k said about the Calloway guy, he's a "true gypsy." An' I'm not railin' at you k, methinks you know where I'm comin from, but y'all see how easy it is to slide into the racial, ethnic, class thing... even without trying?

Dunna get me wrong, I believe in being proud of your own heritage, just not at the expense of others being "put in their proper places."


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Message 62/79             06-Nov-02  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Here's how this works....

You have said Palestinian boy throwing rocks at an IDF tank because it's in his back yard where he happens to kick the football around. He gets popped while standing next to his buddy, and his buddy flees. His buddy now wonders, "my friend was just shot because he was throwing rocks at a tank in his back yard, maybe I should stop hucking rocks at tanks.." and decides to do so. But he then considers that another one of his friends was shot on his way to school, and he wasn't doing anything but walking to now he wonders, "maybe I shouldn't go to school, my friend just got popped." and he decides that he's not going to go to school in fear of getting sniped by some IDF guy.

So now his family needs some food, and needs to walk down to the market, but he then remembers that this particular time doesn't fall within the 1-2 hours a day that they can go outside and they reconsider. Now it is within the curfew, but he then considers another friend that got shot and killed trying to get some vegetables that are available at the local addition to the fact that if they had made it, who would have been out selling shit might get sniped. So his entire family forgoes getting any food and figures that they are just as well to stay inside, but then they consider what happened at Jenin and Ramallah and how a neighbors house was bulldozed with the family still inside, and they decide as a family....FUCK IT...there ain't shit to live for.


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Message 63/79             07-Nov-02  @  07:16 AM     Edit: 07-Nov-02  |  07:21 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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Racism in the UK? O yes...

Black people are now eight times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than white people, the BBC has learned.

Mr Bewry, a Health and Safety officer got stopped 16 times in 2 years.

Mr Bewry's lawyer said there were 1,700 black people living in Norfolk and 219 were stopped and searched in one year. This represented nearly 13%.

By contrast, the figure for stop and search for white men was less than 2%, he said.

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Message 64/79             07-Nov-02  @  07:29 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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stop and search?



almost sounds WORSE there!!!!!

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Message 65/79             07-Nov-02  @  08:05 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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"when i was kid in u.k."

xoxos, that reminds me of something I've wanted to ask you since I first heard your music. Do you have an accent or is just your singing style?


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Message 66/79             07-Nov-02  @  08:09 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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influx: yeah, stop and search, aka the 'suss' laws were the cause of the riots in inner city london in '81.

'Black while driving' is also an apparent cause for stop and search...

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Message 67/79             07-Nov-02  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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now see..that is just WRONG.

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Message 68/79             07-Nov-02  @  08:42 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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now see..that is just WRONG."

flux, weren't you the one bitching about using real names on here? :}


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Message 69/79             07-Nov-02  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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first. I dont bich


IRVINE is the name of a fucking TOWN you hippy! 

a town that is infamous for "DWB" stories.

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Message 70/79             07-Nov-02  @  09:17 AM   -   RE: Human Rights Watch


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ah, ok

well, just kiss my ass then  


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