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Subject: Don't be hard on yourself

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Original Message 1/8             03-Mar-03  @  09:22 PM   -   Don't be hard on yourself


Posts: 4573

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Anyone listen closely to that Christina Aguilera track, "Beautiful"? Don't start, it's a good song, and she sings it powerfully, if a tad annoyingly. But my point is there is SO MUCH headphone bleed in her vocal track. For a song with such quiet piano/vocal sections, I can't believe how poorly produced her vocal track is. Just goes to show that a lot slides nowadays and don't freak about the problems in your tracks because they don't matter. If the track's good, it's good no matter what.

ah fuggit, I'm just being anal here. A vocal track like that wouldn't have cut the mustard in the 80's or early 90's. Listen carefully to this stuff... it's really getting bad.


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Message 2/8             03-Mar-03  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: Don't be hard on yourself


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havent heard it but-

how can you hear the headphone bleed?
that's a little hard to believe that u can actually
disguish bleed from the vox proper.

have an acapella or sumthing? just curious.

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Message 3/8             03-Mar-03  @  09:59 PM   -   RE: Don't be hard on yourself



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I noticed some pretty bad recording techniques in that new Faith Hill track, Cry. I can't believe that got through...

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Message 4/8             03-Mar-03  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: Don't be hard on yourself


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I'm saying there are quiet parts in the beginning and end (especially in the end) where you can hear drums chuggin' away even though they've been dropped in the mix. In the beginning, you hear some obvious edits where they tried to get a snare hit out between words. I'm not saying it's bad, quite the contrary... I still like the song a lot. I'm just saying production technique is taking a step backwards at times as far as what is considered "professional." I would be rather embarrassed if I were the engineer who cut that track. Or Christina if she was told to turn her headphones down and ignored the request.


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Message 5/8             03-Mar-03  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: Don't be hard on yourself



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perhaps she's just lame! And that's the best vocal performance she turned in, warming up to a loud ass phone track! at least at htose points in the track! or some such business...

They're not in the business of making a recording of C.A... they're in the business of making money from the most reliable product they can turn out!

This is why I dislike the OVER use of "alhisad" in the studio nowadays! In the old days they would keep recording until they got a good track (or just sign talented vocalists) but now it's, "That's good enough, I can clean up the bleed..."



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Message 6/8             03-Mar-03  @  11:31 PM   -   RE: Don't be hard on yourself



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i think it all went wrong when they invented stereo

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Message 7/8             04-Mar-03  @  02:54 AM   -   RE: Don't be hard on yourself

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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That is actually a really good song tho..i saw it live on everyone here's favorite channel, MTV and she did a really good job. Does the origonal song just have piano and vocals? or did they fuck it up and add anything else?

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Message 8/8             04-Mar-03  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: Don't be hard on yourself


Posts: 3872

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It's true. Most of these pop artists suck wind. We've all been in studios where they're doing take after take after take. Finally the tech decides he can use autotune and other edits to get things sorted out.

Other side of the coin are musicians like one I met couple years ago. He was a jazz sax studio player. played anything really. Really nice afro-american. The tech told me the sax player would come in, site read his part and it was perfect in 1 take every time.

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