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Subject: my top 5 albums of 2005

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Dec-05  @  04:27 PM   -   my top 5 albums of 2005


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In order. MY top5.

1. Gorillaz - Demon Days
2. Beck - Guero
3. Nouvelle Vauge - Nouvelle Vauge
4. The Go! Team - Thunder, Lightening, Strike
5. Z - My Morning Jacket

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Message 71/105             19-Dec-05  @  11:21 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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eek... havent heard any PIL in ages...

and Logic's Autofilter is a normal lopass filter with envelope follower, an lfo, and overdrive. i dont think it differs much from any other lpf.

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Message 72/105             20-Dec-05  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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The reason I started using the auto filter on drums is because I read that "how to drum and bass" article in computer music and they had a producer in who would cut 34hz and 20,000k from ALL his loops before bouncing them to audio files to import into and mix in Logic. I s'posse that one would be able to create more headroom from cutting the tops aswell as the bottom?

I always thatought that its better to cut from 80hz upwards on drums (starting with the kick) but maybe thats too much for a style like drum and bass. I'm kinda sticking with cutting 60hz from the bass and 80hz from the kicks and then 200hz from my snare, then going up in hz as the drum type goes up with me placing a low cut of 550hz on crashes. That sound about right? I kinda like the 12k cut on drums like kicks, snares and percsussion.

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Message 73/105             20-Dec-05  @  10:43 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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i tend to cut the bottoms and tops off too- in fact i generallys ample my drums into my s900 so don't need to take the top off..hehehehe


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Message 74/105             20-Dec-05  @  11:13 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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Royksopp said that their entire "drum sound" is due to the fact that they use the Akai 950 for their drums. They said it makes them sound kinda "loopy" like nothing else can. Effectively shown off on their track, 49%.

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Message 75/105             20-Dec-05  @  12:17 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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it does give a nice character and ive taken to sampling whole loops of my beats to get that gelled sound- especially if i eq and compress afterwards- in fact with my symetrix compressor ive got some very fat sounding live drums out of it...

im just trying to get better results with cleaner hits (ie house drums) for that french house grit....


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Message 76/105             20-Dec-05  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005



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definitely something to be said for rendering your beats into loops.
i also love the auto-filter to the extent of being guilty of abuse.

i am curious dominic when you say you cut those frequencies out of an instrument.... is it a slight cut you're talking about or are you really taking that frequency out?

anyway...double-eeek harry belafonte's jump down spin around.
oh precious vinyl!

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Message 77/105             21-Dec-05  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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ok, since we're off topic anyway, I got two words for you: parallel compression. I've discussed it before, but I think it's the single easiest way to make in-the-box mixes sound like big board mixes (mostly because the guys that use the big boards do parallel compression ALL the time)

Simply bus a group of tracks (I always use it on drums) to two different busses. On one, you leave it relatively clean, on the other you compress the snot out of it. Then you just gently feed in the compressed signal to the clean signal until you get the best of both worlds: punch of transients and girth of tone. Easy! Just be careful about phase relationships. With auto delay compensation in most DAWs these days it's much easier than it used to be.

It works best on transient material, but try it everything... you'll be surprised at the results you get. Try it on the whole mix when mastering! Some high end boxes have a "blend" function for this very reason. Try it for other processes besides compression, too....

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Message 78/105             21-Dec-05  @  11:42 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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ive never had parallel compression work...always get phase issues whether it was trying it with my old 3630 or 266xl or recently with my symetrix...i tried compensating by delaying the dry signal but the latency im getting must be very small as i couldn't match up the sounds...gutted really as id love to hear how its meant to sound....


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Message 79/105             21-Dec-05  @  04:46 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005



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not that i know anything (except that there is a god)
but i'd think you'd want your dry-signal to come first.

just the same....any procedure which might result in something unique is always potentially
useful. still i always enjoy learning what psy & the pros are doing to get those results which they're known for delivering....since clarity punch and expression are an option one should never ignore.
compression is the big mystery to me
though that never stops me from using it on almost everything and channel i do.
one thing i should probably start doing though is to send my drums to a separate bus.
just too lazy to set up another channel but i think i can get around that.

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Message 80/105             21-Dec-05  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005



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ooops...been a long time since i hit the yellow frown-face icon (top-right) and got our
mysterious blue morosed-face guy.
maybe it's only when i mention god.

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