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Subject: Ironic

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Apr-03  @  05:43 PM   -   Ironic


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Message 71/103             08-Apr-03  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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he he, you didn't like the picture of Hanuman Smith ?


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Message 72/103             08-Apr-03  @  09:26 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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zazza that wasnt what you were talking about and you KNOW it.

forget it. I keep saying Im not gonna get back into this argument with people. otta be allowed to live off the land as you see fit. any hindrance there is just wrong

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Message 73/103             08-Apr-03  @  09:26 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Hanuman is cool, all those images in the middle of the thread aren't, patrticularly..


flexes fingers...

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Message 74/103             08-Apr-03  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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two sides to a coin. at this point the coin is spinning on it's edge. which side it will fall lies in our hearts.

everything that spins fluctuates

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Message 75/103             08-Apr-03  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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for is it not truly written, 'fragile, this way up'?

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Message 76/103             08-Apr-03  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Because drinking makes you pissed

Influx you are a voice for your generation and so I am talking to you

Past terrors 'getting better every day in every way' combined with the 'lameness' of true but soooo yesterday - is shit. I mean fish forget after 7 seconds and you are unhappy with the referesh rate of non US minds?

"do you still call germany out because of what happened in the 40s? " I thought i had.

"any hindrance there is just wrong". Talk about lame, taking the bull by the horns... well complain to the minister of fairness. This is possesion guys. Gypsies have no land, rely on movement to do what they do, but modern life became accepted and started building walls and getting papers and now gypsies are shit people cos their model cannot work now, shame really cos they cant afford spiralling house prices. What you gonna do about that. When is law stratification of a cultures priority over another acceptable..., when they are first to make the law, We-he-hell what sort of future is that then these purveyors of justice decide. First to think up the unthinkable and legislate and patent owns it. I laughed at the character in the little prince who bought the planets he could see through his telescope, but I suuppose commission is enough. Just what % increase have we seen in patent applications over the last years. As a model capitalism is selfish, boring and obvious and constrictive - maybe people excell there cos they are dead to the future

" of my desires for the US is to pull back. get out of other peoples business, quit.." but until then I will consume sliced yoghurt and defend gas prices and feel better when I compare current actions with other countries history. Problem is I can't write a letter to Neville Chamberlaine telling him what a tit he looked getting of that plane telling us about peace in our time

Influx respects - i have had a few and you really are asking for it. I have no solution for that 'said something I shouldn't hv and come back to it...but there was a reason i said something in the first place, so lets go...dilemma'" as far as i am concerned you feel guilty about what your leaders are doing in this world and as a member of 'that' world I take your appology

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Message 77/103             08-Apr-03  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: Ironic



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"I will consume sliced yoghurt "

you will....

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Message 78/103             08-Apr-03  @  11:10 PM     Edit: 08-Apr-03  |  11:13 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Fragile: This Way UP

it wasn't big enough

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Message 79/103             09-Apr-03  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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well, i've been thinking about it a lot, influx (not that that means i've accomplished anything, might just mean i'm a slow learner) and i have to say that's as decent an assertion as any.

there are a lot of things to consider, though, since there's a lot of people on top of each other on concrete. a convention, like money, seems like a good idea of sorting it out.. the problem is, to get money, you either have to (a) agree with others or (b) take advantage of others.

i could go on and on about that, but i'll leave it there with that spread open raw example of the assimilative subprogramming in human culture.. all the evil algorithms are connective. it's like concentrating on the created partnership instead of the common goal. it's like girl tests.

cattle are easier to herd when they keep each other bunched.

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Message 80/103             09-Apr-03  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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thinking about self-herding cattle brings to mind my dear crackhead friend.. nouveau riche daddy, but lower class (u.s.) couldn't hack the social mannerisms at the country club, got depressed cos everyone seemed to treat him like shit (hmm...) went to iraq back then and says "dead bodies in tanks smell like fried chicken. no, it doesn't bother me." crack i say.

there he is, boldly asserting "I AM THE ALPHA SHEEP." dan.

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