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Subject: my top 5 albums of 2005

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Dec-05  @  04:27 PM   -   my top 5 albums of 2005


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In order. MY top5.

1. Gorillaz - Demon Days
2. Beck - Guero
3. Nouvelle Vauge - Nouvelle Vauge
4. The Go! Team - Thunder, Lightening, Strike
5. Z - My Morning Jacket

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Message 81/105             22-Dec-05  @  06:04 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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monkey, how are you recording? DAW? Mixing on a board or in the box? If you're trying to send and return to the analog world from an ITB mix, you're always going to have to deal with latency issues (unless you use PT HD ). But there are ways around it. Basically, you should double buss your, say drum tracks to two pairs of outputs. One would loop through your compressor and the other would go right back in to your audio interface. Then you monitor the returns. That way they would share the D/A/D latency and be phase accurate (at least to each other... you may want to slip them back a bit after printing). If you're mixing on a board, you shouldn't have such issues (one of the many missed blessings of analog).

And I'm really trying to not sound like a snob here but.... I wouldn't bother doing it with those analog comps... maybe the DBX, but leave the Alesis out of it! Seriously, there are free plugins that sound much better (and that's more a compliment to the quality of plugs than a dis to the alesis... though really, dude, it sucks... in a bad way)

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Message 82/105             23-Dec-05  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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Just 2 and not just this year
BigBud - Fear of flying
Nyuorican Soul - Nyuorican Soul - months with this album

shout for Ginkgo - Eskimo point and old radio countdown chart recordings
ching chinga ching

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Message 83/105             30-Dec-05  @  10:17 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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On a friends computer so have to be quick. Happy new year to all DT. Can I just add that I've watched all the Jools Holland programmes over xmas and the best performance/songs was/were by Rufus Wainright - fucking demon!!!!!! Best album of 2006?!?!?

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Message 84/105             30-Dec-05  @  01:30 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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that show has really lost the plot tho don't you think? it's become so safe and 'middle-aged'


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 85/105             03-Jan-06  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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monkey, how are you recording? DAW? Mixing on a board or in the box? If you're trying to send and return to the analog world from an ITB mix,

im all analogue- i use a spirit fx8 which only has one group- i was sending the drums to the group- compressing it and then mixing it back in and i always got a bit of latency- i sold my alesis ages ago as it just didnt workw ith some material and did the same with my dbx2661 but have always liked my symetrix 501 (despite being mono) so tend to use that- the problem i think i have is that im not using inserts on my group- im having to send the signal down normal leads and return the signal to a spare channel on my mixer- is this where the latency could become noticable?


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Message 86/105             10-Jan-06  @  09:37 AM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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oh, i tried that dual comp thing again last night a different way-

i had the same beat coming out of different mono outputs being triggered at the same time, one had a comp on the insert and one didnt and i still had phasing am guessing it's my comp (symetrix cl-150) that is causing the latency...


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Message 87/105             10-Jan-06  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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k wrote:

that show has really lost the plot tho dont you think? its become so safe and middle-aged

Yes it has. Still OK to catch up on though and you do get a few artists now and again that are new (too me anyway) like this Austarilian dude called "Son of Dave" who is a kinda one man band guy. He was wicked - he had a shaker type thing on his ankle, some sort of weird hand drum thing and he was singing and beat boxing with his mouth at the same time. He was really cool.

But I think the Q magazine readers are middle aged which seems to be the way Jools Holland wants to go and the demographic he wants to appeal too. Q magazine did a readers top 100 albums poll voted for by thousands of Q readers and the top ten albums were made up of Oasis, Coldpay, Nirvana, Stone Roses, Radiohead, Beatles, etc. Jeff Buckley was in the top 10 aswell so at least they had some taste. Although the 100 list did through up some bands that I didn't know about before like Television which apparently started the art rock sound sound and I didn't know the Pixies invented the "Nirvana" sound either.

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Message 88/105             10-Jan-06  @  07:42 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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ah, so you dont know Television & Pixies then?... blimey  .. mind you, i'd never heard of Sum41 so it just shows what i know, lol


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 89/105             10-Jan-06  @  11:28 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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but "Pixies invented the "Nirvana" sound"? what is that all about?

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Message 90/105             12-Jan-06  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: my top 5 albums of 2005


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well.... anyways.. James Blunt eh, fucking hell.. what's that all about?! *sigh*


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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