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Subject: Other peoples' theories

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Jun-03  @  03:38 AM     Edit: 19-Jun-03  |  05:07 AM   -   Other peoples' theories


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Message 81/122             21-Jun-03  @  05:16 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 2003

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Mick, that wasn't funny, so much as it was just a rather fuckin sad portrait of reality for most humans in the States, and what they are feeding to the rest of the world as cool. I'm not calling "no fair!", just kinda disappointed you couldn't come up with better.

Influx, stop being such a chump/victim here. You're looking in the wrong place. This shit is hilarious!!!! Step back for a moment and reread.


I gotta go pee now before it ends up on my chair.


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Message 82/122             21-Jun-03  @  05:43 AM     Edit: 23-Jun-03  |  05:40 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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Message 83/122             21-Jun-03  @  06:59 AM     Edit: 23-Jun-03  |  05:39 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


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Message 84/122             21-Jun-03  @  08:02 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 2003

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"So are you gonna take it on your feet, or on your fuckin knees...begging?"

You want to see peoples' strengths? Stop being a sorry weakling, and show them how they can be strong. Bring their strengths out of them. This is the first time I think you're shown strength this whole thread. Up until this point, it's been fuckin weak. I see what Xo is trying to do, and I applaud him. His methods may be far from orthodox, but that some do not "get it" does not belittle his effort, and his faith in others' potential.

Am I delusional?

The whole point is that while all hold the potential, others theories are just that, and for the most part do not apply beyond distraction from evidence that the real answers lie within.


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Message 85/122             21-Jun-03  @  10:16 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories

man called clay


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ape? if someone is trying to make a point and FAILS DISMALLY to make that point....that doesn't injure their aim/effort? their so-called effect they were hoping to achieve?

you know what this is?

the sound of a seal clapping>
at nothing.
here's your fish.....enjoy.
the answers lie within.
something you and hero should remind yourselves of occasionally.

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Message 86/122             21-Jun-03  @  10:50 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories

Little Ronnie Hubbard


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I'm a little sociopath, short and stout
Can't be bothered to get on with anyone because I think you're all weak humans and deserve all that you get.

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Message 87/122             21-Jun-03  @  12:52 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories

dr rude


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Isn't the internet great! We can all be who we want to be! James Bond Syndrome.

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Message 88/122             21-Jun-03  @  01:31 PM     Edit: 23-Jun-03  |  05:38 AM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 1444

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Message 89/122             21-Jun-03  @  06:16 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 6231

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you're certainly as defensive of your territory as one. so are you the chocolate glazed?

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Message 90/122             21-Jun-03  @  06:37 PM   -   RE: Other peoples' theories


Posts: 2003

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"Oh no!! Somebody said something rude. Now I have an excuse to dismiss anything else I hear or read from them!! Fuck your sorry ass superficiality. That shit's for pussies, fuck-ups, weaklings, and shit-eaters. Are youm one of those? I piss on all of that crap. Know why? Cuz you're sounding just like another fuckin sorry ass bubble dweller.

Mick and Xoxos were waling down the street one day. They went by a wall, that was smeared with shit. Mick looked at the wall and said "Ewww!!!! That's rude! SOmebody smeared shit on the wall!!I'm outta here!!" Xo looked at the wall and said " Yeah, but they did it with style!! I wonder what this person was trying to say..."

That's the difference that you seem to be stuck on.

Clay, why are you such a retard sometimes? Something is just not connected in your head. There was no failure on the part of trying to make a point because the point has been made clearly. The failure is in comprehension of that point. Sorry, you just don't see it, and so you and others just brand it at face value. Why? Cuz you're just too fuckin shallow to take things beyond the surface layer. You're happier to argue than to realize that you need to go back over something cuz you missed it and are just way too fuckin proud to admit. It's ok to have feelings hurt. It's ok to not always be the brightest or the quickest. It's not ok to pass up those learning opportunities you seem stuck on fighting because you're scared of admitting that you didn't already know.

Here's the sound of one finger raised in your sorry direction to return your insult a little more clearly. The fact that you're lacking depth and still haven't gotten over being chumped says that you have some sorry grudges, a fragile ego, and need to get more of a life. Now sit down before you fall down.


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