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Subject: Bloody yanks

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Apr-03  @  02:51 PM   -   Bloody yanks

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I know as individuals you are cool. But your government really are a bunch of cunts, and I wish I could be put in a ring with that Ronald Dumsfield. Looks like they wanna pick a fight with Syria now, are they mental or something ?

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Message 81/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks



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No no no! I owe Influx something, and I've been a real lazy bastard about it!

Check your mail, Influx.


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Message 82/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:30 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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still sounds a bit lewd to me...

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Message 83/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:31 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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"...forming elite subcultures of rebel consumers to distinguish themselves from the proles who watch trashy TV unironically."

It really has come to that hasn't it? Enlightened, intellectual, rebellion has finally been quantified, commodified, and turned into the ultimate irony. I guess those are the same people who have shelves of unread books in their homes. No point in reading them because you can read the sleeve and a few reviews on the web? I never understood that. You go to someone's pad, see a few cool books then ask about them only to discover they're unread. Next time you see them you bring up the subject matter and find those books are still unread. What's the point? Have books become the Ansel Adams prints of the new millennia?

Whew. I'll take tangential rants for a thousand please, Bob.  

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Message 84/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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Who's Bob? It's Alex...

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Message 85/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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All game show hosts are "Bob" deep down inside.

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Message 86/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks



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Just like construction Contractors!


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Message 87/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:52 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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well that was a fuckin funny stretch of thread!!!!

sure did sound scandalous what I wrote. it aint

and..HA! BOOKS!

I know quite a few people who have BIG OL BOOKSHELVES with books they have NEVER touched hardly!

Dunno...Id rather live near a badass library than BUY books

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Message 88/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:53 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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Who would have thought that construction contractors would have such reverence for Bob Barker....


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Message 89/131             22-Apr-03  @  12:59 AM     Edit: 22-Apr-03  |  01:14 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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"Id rather live near a badass library"

I tend to be very abusive toward my books. To the point that I would end up buying them anyway out of guilt. Riding a motorbike all my adult life has put a strain on anything that's been tossed into the backpack or saddlebags.

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Message 90/131             22-Apr-03  @  03:38 AM   -   RE: Bloody yanks


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ah! NOW I know who you are!!!

heh. I think little d hinted at it once...I was wonderin

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