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Subject: 60 Minutes does it again...

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Sep-02  @  04:08 PM   -   60 Minutes does it again...



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Well, be it known to the doubters that Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon are in fact funding Arafat's desire for genocide.

The American magazine show "60 Minutes" aired a 25 minute piece detailing the captured of the Ramallah compound's secret documents by Israeli Intelligence.

Iraq supplies oil to Arafat. He later then sells it to would-be buyers taking a cut off the top and returning the funds back to Iraq.

Iran supplies the military training and hardware, directing and dictating were the murderous bombings should be carried out.

hehe, Gore debated Bush and said Iran and Iraq have nothing to do with this...haha, what an lemming. He'd do better in Russia.

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Message 81/124             03-Oct-02  @  03:20 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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GT dont insult people, but you are allowed to have and express your own views. The Israel<->Palestinian hostility is a very contentious issue.

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Message 82/124             03-Oct-02  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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"At least he can get to the end of sentences without forgetting what he said at the beginning"

that's all the pot he smokes I guess.  

Hey... here's a joke

When Bush takes over he and Mrs Bush go to stay over at the Whitehouse for a traditional weekend with the outgoing President, and they get shown around the house, and all the rest of it etc...

So they are staying over, and Bush is in bed and wants a piss, so he trots off to find the toilet... He comes back and says to his wife:

"Honey!.. Godamn it, they have a GOLD urinal!.. We gotta get one of those installed when we move in!"

The next day Bush is off with Clinton somewhere showing him various stuff, and the wives spend their day together doing their stuff, and during the day Bush's wife mentions the Gold urinal to Hilary and they chat about it...

Later that night, Clinton is with the wife in their bedroom, and Hilary says;

"Bill... I found out who pissed in your saxaphone"


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 83/124             04-Oct-02  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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Well, who was it then?

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Message 84/124             04-Oct-02  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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oh fluckin ho!  

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Message 85/124             04-Oct-02  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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geez... didn't mean to sound like a "knowitall"... i just meant martyring the entirety of NA wouldn't _necessarily_ be a bad thing. like... perhaps an exaggeration to illustrate how bad i expect things will get?

things just seem like they're past the point of no return. i thought the whole foundation of your society (constitution) was change... like, it could be changed whenever needed. really progressive/dynamic. but then why is there so much conservative/backward shit going on?

what's up with that? what's up with people pattenting algorithms instead of sharing them? to me that's kind of symbolic of the sickness of NA... we'd rather keep our knowledge to ourselves in the hopes of making some cash instead of sharing it with the world in the hopes of progressing as a species. that's ing pathetic, and if the urge to progress isn't overpowering the (sick) urge to horde and not evolve, SOMETHING drastic had better happen to kick us back onto a less growth-inhibiting path or we're just going to sit and fester... and watch superbowl XXVIMMMMCCIXXXX and the 3006 MTV awards.

i'm not forgetting where i live, and i'm SURE that "We're not all stupid, we're not all gluttonous,"etc. but... so what? are MOST of us not gluttinous? what's the ratio? how could we even measure stuff like that?

how about a very simple-minded thought experiment:

let's say we travel back in time (pre-WWII) with a bomb that will blow up a single building. inside the building are hitler/etc, and X totally innocent people. how large does X have to be before it's no lonnger justifiable to destroy the building? greater than zero? greater than the number of WWII-related deaths?

or is it ultimately pointless cause even if we killed some of the main persons responsible, social situations/etc. would cause similar outcomes?

i don't know... seems confusing to me. seems like you can't really defend EITHER position.

capitalism was great; look at how much it drove us technologically. woo. BUT now that we're starting to hit a wall... what are we going to do? cling to the past or try to find a new and better way to live? seems like the US _should_ be in a prime position as vanguard (since the ability to totally reconfigure their society is built into it's kernel) but instead they struggle to keep things as they were.

to be honest, i guess i just don't understand ANYTHING.

p.s - wtf is wrong with ayn rand?! i know that around here she's the figurehead for some really stupid people ("the empiricists" or something) but... to me her message is simple: a group of people is always less than the sum of their parts. which is clearly demonstrated anytime a lot of "patriotism" crops up; intelligence vanishes.

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Message 86/124             04-Oct-02  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...



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yeah but what you're talking about there s.o.n is um... i dunno.. it'd take a radical changing of human philosophy & psychology. I personaly dont think it'll ever happen, because first you'd have to remove all religion and formalised education as we know it.

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Message 87/124             04-Oct-02  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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i'd say then that it's the only viable possibility for harmonious society.

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Message 88/124             04-Oct-02  @  12:56 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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ayn rand is very much about business for business sake...altho...the concept of ethics plays large in her dogma.

anyway...your shit about just eliminating everyone...fucking ludicrous. Things need to change, yes, but both internally in people, and in our system(s) of government

there are bad people out there, and they frighten me as well, as do the ignorant self centered fools who simply do whatever they feel is ok as long as they gain from it

but youre equating the US govt with the US people, and then equating THAT with HITLER?


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Message 89/124             04-Oct-02  @  01:49 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...

Def Z


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Influx - you're changing your positions here. Stop it - I'm beginning to agree with you... ;-)

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Message 90/124             04-Oct-02  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: 60 Minutes does it again...


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changing my position? dont think so. If Im anything its consistent


what do you mean exactly?

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