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Subject: september 11th

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Sep-02  @  08:27 PM   -   september 11th



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a well done slide show.

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Message 81/188             13-Sep-02  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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Message 82/188             13-Sep-02  @  08:11 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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i´m having none of this. i´ll be over there ->

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Message 83/188             13-Sep-02  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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zazza - "anglo solidarity" *chuckle* mmmkay

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Message 84/188             13-Sep-02  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 1502

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GT. If you want to know who is on whose side just see who shares intelligence with who and who spies on who.

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Message 85/188             13-Sep-02  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 316

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errata kindly remove the plank when you stereotype like that...

so you have discerned my skin color (white?) and religous preference (protestant?) and the fact that i am racist (no likey hispanics) simply from my postings here. you do the same thing you accuse me of...

its obvious from this thread that religious freedom means nothing to most of the people here.

the part of the western world that has religous freedom now has only had it for 300 years or so.... do you really think that it cannot be taken away? since recorded civilization began state has been married to religion, we actually manage to get rid of that for a few mere centuries and now it can never go back to the way it was.



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Message 86/188             13-Sep-02  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 1502

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yes, lets encourage religious freedom by demonising islam


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Message 87/188             13-Sep-02  @  10:09 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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Jamey, Tariq Aziz is a Christian, Arafat's vice pres. is a christian. Turkey is one of the most secular states I know, they will not try to conquer the world in the name of Islam: THEY ARE NATO ALLIES YOU DIMWIT. The largest muslim nation of the world is is a democracy (of sorts) and it has religious violence but it's 5 religions: islam, hinduism, budhism, catholicism and protestantism are ALL protecten by law. Moslims are not taking over the world and they never will, they just don't have the power yet. The states will remain a superpower for the coming few decades, but I will loose it's no.1. postion on the list of dominating regimes, eventually. Apart from it's colour and it's officiol doctrine China is rapidly growing to become a economic powerhouse, it's run in the exact fashion that the States prefer their south american vasal states to be run. It's just a bit bigger, so don't worry.

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Message 88/188             13-Sep-02  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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jamey, I never said you were any of those things... It was a metaphor!!! an analogue... you know, like this story, are your comments!

The willful demonizing of an entire people is racist! "They're sending all of "them" here to take over our country"... listen to yourself!!!


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Message 89/188             13-Sep-02  @  10:25 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 2890

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gt - view user - send a message to this user or whatever. wanna know who i am? - - there's no secrecy here.

some of my best friends are *biggots*.

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Message 90/188             13-Sep-02  @  10:27 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 7627

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"china has NO religous freedom. people are killed there every single day of the year for having a belief system outside what the communist party allows."

and people are killed EVERY FUCKING OTHER PLACE IN THE WORLD for not complying with american whim.

dunno..Jamey and GT...Im sorry you guys but you are about as right wing as it gets...and the funny thing is...youre CHRISTIANS and the fundamental belief that you hold (and DONT try to tell me this isnt true) is that YOUR beliefs are the only acceptable ones

if it came down to it, and yours are the ones who would desire absolute compliance...and if it came down to war? would fight and kill non christians simply for being non christian

the atrocities perpetrated by christians far outweigh the combined efforts of all other

man it gets me riled up to see the level of ignorance you guys display, all the while calling everyone else fools and morons.

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