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Subject: Drum Sub Groups

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Original Message 1/11             17-Sep-02  @  02:13 PM   -   Drum Sub Groups


Posts: 1128

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My question is about grouping drums through a compressor.

My kick and bass are shoved through seperate compressors. Then I send the rest of my drums to a seperate compressor.

At the moment, I send the drum track (not kick) to groups 1 and 2 on my makie and have the main L&R switch on each track I'm sending to the compressor up.

The thing is that I want that pumping compression going on and to do that I have to send the kick to the same compressor as the rest of the drums. To do that, I need to send the kick but when I lift the L&R switch on that channel, the signal is not going to the kicks individual compressor.

Do you lot have the desk returning a mix between the compressed and uncompressed drums or do you just monitor the compressed drums via sub group 1 and 2.

Not explaining this well but hopefully you get the drift. Thanks.

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Message 2/11             17-Sep-02  @  02:35 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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so how did you patch your kick comp? via the channel insert? if yes then i see no reason why it shouldnt get compressed simply by not assigning it to the main buss.

i guess youŽll have to explain this some more... including which mixer you are using.

or maybe try this: assign the compressed kick to the L/R buss AND a 3rd subgroup, do not route that group to the main buss, and then send that as a sidechain triger on your drummix comp. that way youŽll avoid compressig the kick twice but still get the desired effect.

cheers, m.

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Message 3/11             17-Sep-02  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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and re. monitoring, yeah, once you got the drums sounding right thereŽs no reason why youŽd want to listen to anything else but the compressed subgroup.

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Message 4/11             17-Sep-02  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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Thanks Milan. I use a Mackie 32:8:8.

I can use a side chain to make the drum mix pump but then the kick and drum mix won't gel aswell will it?


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Message 5/11             17-Sep-02  @  07:15 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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ok, i thought it was the 8-buss. but then can you describe why your kick doesnt get compressed when you remove it from the stereo buss? that doesnt make any sense to me.

and yeah, i also remembered the gell thing at the time of writing, but thought maybe if it solves your problem...

tell more. i love solving signalflow problems  

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Message 6/11             17-Sep-02  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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It will get compressed by its original compressor but it won't be compressed against the drum mix stuff going through my 2nd compressor if I'm just using it to sidechain (pump) into the drum mix compressor.

enough "compressors" in that sentence for you? :-)

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Message 7/11             18-Sep-02  @  12:36 AM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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nope. not what i meant.

"to do that I have to send the kick to the same compressor as the rest of the drums. To do that, I need to send the kick but when I lift the L&R switch on that channel, the signal is not going to the kicks individual compressor"

and this:

"when I lift the L&R switch on that channel, the signal is not going to the kicks individual compressor"


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Message 8/11             18-Sep-02  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups



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like milan said - route the kick through to the
buss you're comping the whole drum mix on
and a spare buss so you can then route the
output from the spare to the sidechain input.

dunno about the l+r thing, insert points are
situated just after the input gain so the signal
should reach the comp regardless of

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Message 9/11             18-Sep-02  @  03:18 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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(cough, splutter) dodgy lead. Sorry. Thanks.

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Message 10/11             18-Sep-02  @  03:36 PM   -   RE: Drum Sub Groups


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!!! >:[

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